Try and Hope

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Its been about 2 months now

Me and Sebastian tried having another baby last month but nothings happened.

I was kinda worried but I have faith that I'll be able to have another baby.
Me and Sebastian did our best to make a baby but nothing was happening.

Sebastian was more worried about this then me. I told him not to worry about it.

Sebastian was away for work I missed him very much. I went back to the gym because I haven't been there in forever. I left the baby with my best friend Olivia.

I put my things in my locker and I put my earphones on. I started working out I was totally in the zone.

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around. It was my favorite man Don.

"Hey Don"
"Hey Gloria"

We hugged

"Well you haven't been here in a long long time."
"Yeah it feels good to be back working out"

"I bet hey after you workout and stuff do you want to grab something to eat"
"Yeah that would be great"

"Alright see you later then"
"See ya"

I went back to my workout
I worked out for about an hour

Then I went to the showers and got ready and stuff.

I walked to the front desk to find Don.

We walked to a nice healthy restaurant.

"So where have you been I haven't heard from you"
Don said

"I've been busy"
"How's Sebastian?"

"He's good"
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine"
"You sure?"

"A lot of things happened"
"Tell me"

"Well first I actually got pregnant again"
"And you were working out?!"

"No I lost the baby I had a miscarriage"
"Oh Gloria I'm so sorry are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine I was sad when I lost it I was sad for a couple of weeks and Sebastian tried making me happy and It didn't work then Sebastian started drinking so he was like drunk all the time and Chris helped me solve that he's fine now he stopped drinking"

"That's good how's laura?"
"She's great she's walking already"

"Can I ask you something?"
"Are you and Sebastian happy?"
"You mean in our marriage or?"

"Like together as a couple as a family?
"Yeah we're happy...after he stopped drinking I started being happy because I didn't want to loose him and I wanted to be there for the baby and him also loosing a baby is a big deal but we're both young and we can always make another baby"

"I'm just making sure"
"He's just really worried"

"Last month we tried making another baby and nothings happening"
"Well I mean these things take time"

"Yeah but I researched it and it says to wait for about a month and I did now nothings happening"

"Everyone's body is different so your body is probably still healing and getting its systems back in place I'd say if it doesn't work within the next month then go to a doctor but you can go to the doctor now to make sure"

"I'll have to set up an appointment"
"Tell Sebastian not to worry"
"I know I told him that too"

"But is everything good now?"
"Yeah we had a lovely Christmas at your house and ever since then we haven't had any problems"

"That's good"

Me and Don had a great rest of our lunch. We went back to the gym so I can see shim and tone.

I hanged out for awhile
Then I went to go pick up laura and I went food shopping. Then I went home and fed laura.

I talked with Sebastian over the phone for awhile.
As I talked to him I started cooking dinner for myself.

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