All Good

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2 months went by and me and sebastian were so happy. He even asked for a vacation to spend time with us. We went out and we took small road trips.
We had such a great time together. Sebastian made us laugh. Laura was always with Sebastian.

Me and Sebastian would have date night. We had a great time on date night.
Sebastian would bring me beautiful flowers.

"Daddy why didn't you bring me flowers"
"I got you something better"

Sebastian pulled out a bar of chocolate


Sebastian let out a giggle

"Candy really?"

"But mommy"
"Yeah mommy its chocolate"

I looked at them both who were giving me puppy eyes.

"Alright fine... As long as you share"

We ate the chocolate together

3 months passed and I gave birth to our new baby. It was a boy we named him Levi.

"Told you it was a boy"
"Oh shut up"
"I love you baby"
"I love you too"

With the new baby we were a happy family. Laura loved her new baby brother. All of our friends came over to see the new member of the family.

Sebastian's mom loved Levi
He has Sebastian's big blue eyes. He looked just like his dad.

I finally got to get back on my workout. Me and sebastian would workout together. We would try to beat each other. It was really funny.

Sebastian would be a total dork. He would pertent to be dying at the gym. He would make me laugh.

We went to the park and he would play with laura. Then he would play with Levi.

At night when Levi would cry sebastian took care of it so I could sleep.

2 years went by

Levi was now 2 years old and laura was 6 years old.

We were having a birthday party for laura. All of our family and friends came over. We had a BBQ and we had dance music. Some of Laura's friends came over. Everyone was having a great time. We had some laughs and we talked. We played with the kids.

We ate cake and we opened the presents. Laura got a lot of presents from everyone. The party went on for a few hours. Then we cleaned up Laura was so happy that day. She wanted to play with her new toys.

So me and sebastian played with her and her new toys. She was having so much fun.

Sebastian was working on a new marvel movie. Which I was very excited about. Sebastian would video chat us when he was on set and he would show us around and laura loved that. She was a huge marvel lover.

Everything was great with sebastian
He was very happy and I was very happy.

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