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I was my full months of pregnancy.

Me and Sebastian's babygirl was going to come out soon. So that ment Sebastian was always watching me.

He didn't let me do anything around the house. Which frustrated me but I could understand Sebastian.

Me and Sebastian have been waiting for this day.
Sebastian was super excited to see his new babygirl.

Sebastian bought her all kinds of stuff.

The things that were important
He bought everything.

It made me really happy that he was excited about this.
I can tell he was a little nervous to be a daddy. But he's going to be great I can just tell.

Sebastian's mom wanted to be at the hospital during the birth. So she stayed at a hotel near the hospital.

It was about 2 in the morning and I couldn't sleep the baby has been kicking all night.

I got up from the bed trying not to wake Sebastian he's been working this whole week and he looked tired. So I wanted him to get some sleep for once.

I walked downstairs to get some water. I got to the kitchen got water and drank some of it I put the glass down. Then I felt something dripping from my legs.

I turned on the light and looked down

My water broke this huge pain hit me making me yell loud.

I got on my knees holding my stomach with one hand.

I heard Sebastian's foot steps run downstairs.

"Gloria! Are you okay?!"
"The coming"

I had so much pain
Sebastian grabbed his shoes and the car keys and helped me up we walked to the parking garage.

He gently helped me in the car and he shut the door he got on the other side and started the car.

He drove to the hospital the whole way he held my hand

"Baby please hurry"
"I know we're almost there... Just breath"

I let out another yell when the baby kicked me again really hard.

We finally got to the hospital they took me in the room. Sebastian called his mom then they got him suited up so he could come in the room with me.

He was by my side holding my hand.

"Okay honey I'm going to need you to give me a big push"
The doctor said

I pushed really hard
Sebastian held my hand and was telling me to breath and how much he loves me.

After a few more big pushs
I heard the cry of a baby.

"Dad would you like the cut the cored?"

Sebastian walked over and cut the cored.
They cleaned my baby and gave her to me in my arms.

She was so beautiful
Sebastian kissed me

"I'm so proud of you baby"
"I love you seb"
"I love you Lori"
"Don't start"
I said with a smile

Sebastian kissed me

Later that day Sebastian's mom came to see the baby.
She loved laura she was so happy for us.

I was so happy
To finally have a family of my own with the man I love.

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