I Hoped For It

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Sebastian finally came home from his trip from work. He wasn't so stressed out. Sebastian actually seemed excited for this new movie.

He spent his time with laura and I.

I wasn't feeling good again. I was throwing up. I heard a stomach flu was going around. I didn't want to get the baby and sebastian sick.

The flu calmed down
Sebastian and laura went out for the day. When I was alone I set up an appointment for the doctor.

I was thinking about what Don said the other day. I thought I would double check. I didn't want to worry sebastian to much. He was already to worried.

Next day sebastian was watching TV and the baby was next to him in the play pin.

"Hey babe I'm going out with Olivia she wants to pick some decorations for her apartment"

"Okay are you feeling better?"
"Yeah a lot better"
"Okay good text me through out the day to make sure your okay"

"I will"
"Okay baby have fun"

Me and Sebastian kissed

I walked out the door and I walked over to Olivia's house.

"Hey girl"
"Hey Ollie"

"I need a favor"
"You know that I had a miscarriage"
"Well its been over almost 2 months and sebastian is starting to worry because we tried having another baby but nothings happening"

"And you want to double check"
"Yeah please come with me to the doctor appointment"

"I'm here for you Gloria...let me change and stuff and I'll go with you"


Olivia changed and we drove to the doctors office. He checked in and we waited for awhile. They finally called me back and they put us in a room. The doctor did her thing to me and she checked everything.

She let me change back in my clothes and we waited for her to pull out the papers and stuff.

I was super worried now. I hope everything is okay.

The doctor walked in the room.

"Well Mrs. Stan it looks like you can't have kids"

"Now don't panic because you can't have babies because you already have one in you"

"I'm pregnant?"
"Yeah you are you've been for a couple of days"

I looked at olivia

"That's why I was feeling sick"

Doctor- now everything looks wonderful because I know you went through a miscarriage so not to worry everything looks healthy so you shouldn't have any problems"

"Thank you"
"No problem... Let's set up another appointment in a month to see how the baby is doing okay?"

"Okay have a nice day Mrs. Stan"

We set up another appointment and we left the office.
I was so happy I was pregnant sebastian is going to be so happy.

I stayed with olivia for awhile and I went back home.

I walked in and sebastian was washing dishes.

"Hey baby how was your time with Olivia?"
"It was wonderful"

"That's good"

I had a huge smile on my face.
Sebastian looked at me

"Someone seems very happy"
"I am"
"Because I found out something very exciting and its great news"

"You gonna share?"
Sebastian turned off the water and dried his hands on the hand towel

"Well first don't be mad at me"
"Why would I?"
"Because it was for a good reason"

"Babe your making me curious"
"Okay so olivia didn't need help on decorating her apartment...instead we went to the doctors and stuff happened and I got good news"

"What's the news?"
"I'm pregnant!"

"Your...your pregnant?!"
"Oh my god baby!"

Sebastian hugged me and I hugged him. Sebastian had a huge smile on his face.

"I'm so happy"
Sebastian said

Sebastian kissed me.
He looked me in the eyes

"I love you Gloria"
"I love you too sebby"

"No I mean it...I really love you I love you so much"

"I still get butterflies in my stomach when I see you or when I'm around you"

"I get butterflies in my stomach too...I have some right now"

Me and sebastian kissed

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