Why didn't you?

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2 days passed
I didn't really go out.
I haven't been to the gym

Don came over to see if I was okay

"Why haven't you been to the gym?"
"Take a wild guess don"
I pointed at my belly
He didn't get it at first then it popped in his head.

"Oh my god..your pregnant"
"With Sebastian?"
"Yeah with Sebastian"
"Did you tell him?"
"No I was going to but I found out that he has a girlfriend"
"Oh shit..that's right"
"He doesn't want his girlfriend to know we had sex so that means I can't tell him I'm pregnant"
"Awe come on just cause that... You have to tell him..I mean that's his baby"

" I know but...what am I going to say hey Sebastian we had sex without protection and now I'm having your baby...do you still want to keep this a secret from your girlfriend?.... I don't think that would be a good idea Don"

"Well how else are you gonna tell him"
"I don't know...I'll think of something"

Don had to go he has this thing at the gym.

To calm my nerves I played the song
Mack the knife by Bobby Darin

I loved this song I put it loud and I started dancing. I thought I would clean the house.
While I was sweeping I did a little dance. I turned around and Sebastian was standing there. I yelled a little then turned off the radio.

"Sebastian! What the hell you scared me!"
"Sorry I tried knocking but you didn't answer and the door was open"
"Oh jeez"
"I just wanted to see you and see if you were okay"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"
"Cause the last time we talked you were sad then upset"
"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I had a girlfriend"
"It's fine"
"You sure cause when I told you..you seemed upset"
"How long have you been together?"
"About 4 years"

I sat down and started crying
"I'm sorry Sebastian"
"Hey hey hey why are you crying"
"I'm sorry"
"Sorry for what gloria?"
"I'm pregnant"
"I'm pregnant with you I have your baby...I was going to tell you when I was at lunch but when you told me you had a girlfriend I couldn't"
"Why didn't you?"
"Cause you told me not to say anything about that night"

"What am I going to do gloria your having my baby and I have a girlfriend"
"Oh I'm sorry Sebastian I'm so sorry that we got drunk and fucked each other and I end up pregnant.. you know what if you want to be with your girlfriend good for you I don't care. Go live happy with your girlfriend while I stay with YOUR baby"
"Get out of my house"
"Sebastian please get out I want to be alone"

Sebastian got up and walked out of my house. I started crying really bad
It was so bad I fell to the floor.

It's like Sebastian is more worried about his girlfriend then his baby. I know how he feels
He's with her but another woman is having his baby. But he has to make a choice cause I'm not gonna make it for him.

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