I don't need help

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Sebastian seemed happy and I tried to be happy as well.

But something about seb wasn't right.
I noticed that some of our liquor was missing. Sebastian would always go to sleep early because he was "tired".

I think he might be still drinking and for that I'm worried about.

I didn't know how to confront sebastian about this.
I told Chris what was happening and he offered to come over for lunch and hang out and possibly talk about it.

I made lunch and I just put laura to bed. Chris came over and helped set up. Sebastian was in the bathroom...well sebastian said he needed to use the bathroom.

When Sebastian came out he was a little all over the place. Chris noticed it but he didn't say anything yet.

We ate lunch and we cleaned up Sebastian once again went in the bathroom.
Sebastian came out and I sat down at the couch.

Chris- Hey sebastian
Sebastian- yeah?
Chris- You doing okay?
Sebastian- yeah why?

Chris looked at me

Chris- Well its been brought to my attention that you haven't been acting the same

Sebastian looked at Chris then he looked at me

Sebastian- Acting the same?

"Sebby you've been drinking a lot"

Sebastian- Are you kidding me
Chris- This isn't good for you or this family

"Baby we're here to help ...you need some kind of help"

Sebastian- I don't need help

Sebastian walked out of the apartment.

Chris- I'll handle this.. you stay here with the baby

Chris ran after sebastian.

I stayed at home and washed the dishes. I fed the baby and played with her for awhile. She finally fell asleep and then I watched some TV.

It was already 7 at night and Chris or Sebastian haven't came home yet. I was starting to get worried.

I watched TV silently on the couch.
I heard the door open and sebastian walked in. He had this guilty look on this face. I didn't get up to hug him I thought I would give him some time.

He took a seat next to me on the couch. He sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry"
Sebastian said

With tears in my eyes and a weak voice

"Why are you doing this?"

"It's not you"

"Why all of a sudden your drinking....this isn't you sebastian...you have a family that needs you...you have a wife that loves you and that tries hard and you have a baby girl that needs her daddy...you don't need to drink"

"I know baby"

"I love you Sebastian"
"I love you too baby...I'll change I'll stop the drinking"

Two tears ran down my cheek sebastian whipped them with his thumb. He looked in my eyes

"I love you Gloria I'll always do"

I smiled at sebastian

"I love you sebby"

Me and sebastian kissed
Our kissing got very passionate

Sebastian picked me up and took me to the bedroom.

He laid me on the bed and he kissed

I felt his touch and he warm body on mine.

We made love to each other and its like everything was forgotten.

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