Let me go!

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Me and Sebastian have been dating for a week now.
Sebastian has been really helpful with everything.

We still haven't made our relationship announced yet. We thought we would drag it on a little longer.

So my building was having electricity problems. They think that my apartment was next. So they can't have anyone living in the apartment so I thought I would stay at a hotel.

I called Sebastian who was at home resting from his movie.

Phone call

"Hey Sebastian"
"Hey babe what's up"
"So I'm going to be staying in a hotel"
"My building is have electricity problems and they think that its in my apartment and they don't want anyone in the apartment"

"Gloria you can stay at my place"
"I know but what about us keeping our secret"
"You know what I don't care anymore its not like its a lie"
"That's true"
"Just I'll come pick you up and you can stay here"
"They say its gonna take at least 4 days"
"That's okay I'm not gonna let you stay at a hotel"
"Okay...you have room for my babies"
"Yeah definitely"
"Okay I'll meet you outside my building"
"Okay see you in a bit"
"Okay bye"

We both hung up and I waited for about 20 minutes. Sebastian finally pulled up to my building he got out of his car to help me with my bags and the dogs.
We got in car and he gave me a kiss.
We drove to his place.
We carried my bags inside and the dogs walked with me.

The time we spent at Sebastian's place with great. We took me out and we walked the dogs. On twitter I read an article about me and Sebastian.

Are Sebastian Stan and Gloria Styles dating?
Recently Sebastian got out of a relationship with his long term girlfriend they dated for 4 years.
Sebastian and Gloria were seen walking Gloria's cute dogs and eating lunch together.
Also is Gloria pregnant?!
She looks a little chunky in the belly area.

Is there more to this story?


Everyone is going to know now.

Me and Sebastian were laying in bed.
"Hey Gloria"
"Not to be weird or anything... But do you think we can do it without being drunk?"
"Yeah I just want to do it with you and remembering everything"
"Okay then"

I got on top of him and we started kissing.
And slowly one by one our clothes came off.

We actually did it without being drunk and we enjoyed it.

We laid in bed talking about weird things. Sebastian made me laugh.

We both heard the door close.
And a girl walked in.
It was Sebastian's ex girlfriend

Ex- what the hell is going on?!
Sebastian- what are you doing here?

Sebastian started changing back into his clothes so did I.

"Sebastian I thought you broke up with her?!"
Sebastian- I did
Ex- you think I'm that kind of girl you just break up over the phone
Sebastian- I did break up with you
Ex- oh don't worry babe she's just a friend she's not even that pretty I'm not into her

I looked at Sebastian with tears in my eyes.

"You said that?"
Ex- yes!
Sebastian" no! No I didn't

I walked out of the room and grabbed my bags.
And my dogs

Sebastian came running to me
He grabbed me arm
"Let me go!"

I pulled my arm away from him
And I walked out of his place with my things and my dogs.
I walked to my GBF

Gay Best Friend Billy and his boyfriend Jake House.

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