4 Months Later

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It was Christmas Time
The most wonderful time of the year.

I was so happy because I loved Christmas music. I love the food and most of all the hot chocolate.
When I was a little girl Christmas was the holiday I waited for.

Me and Sebastian's baby was getting bigger.

It was snowing in New York it gets pretty bad over here

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It was snowing in New York it gets pretty bad over here. We have crazy blizzards sometimes.

And today was one of those days.
Sebastian told me we should stay inside all day.

Sebastian cooked all day today.
He made me hot chocolate and anything I wanted.
Sebastian cuddled with me all day.
He would touch my belly to see if he can feel the baby move.

Sebastian and I decided that we should get married after the baby is born.
I know that's not how to do it but we have no other option.

"So I have news"
Sebastian told me

I looked at him

"Yeah what is it?"
"So as you know Christmas is 2 weeks away"
"Ah hu"
"And I know this is really all of a sudden but I think its been long enough"
"Seb your scaring me"

"Its a good thing don't worry"
"Would you just tell me already"
"My mom wants to meet you"

I smacked his arm

"Ooooowww! What was that for"
He said rubbing his arm with a smile on his face

"Did you tell her about me?"
"Yeah is that a bad thing?"
"No...did you tell her I was pregnant?"

Sebastian cleared his throat and pushed his hair back

"Well I mean..."
"Sebastian Stan!! You didn't tell her i was pregnant!"
"Well she's gonna find out...when she gets here"
"Sebastian I'm 4 months how are you gonna explain that.. your mom is gonna want to know why you haven't told her"

"You better come up with a story"

I got up to use the bathroom
I think I was a bitch about saying that stuff... I should probably apologize... I should be happy that his mom is coming to see us.

I walked out the bathroom Sebastian was in the kitchen getting some more hot chocolate.

I hugged him from behind
"I'm sorry"
I said to him

He put his hands on mine
"For what?"
"For being a bitch"
"Don't say that"

Sebastian turned around and hugged me
"No Sebastian I was being a bitch I should of been happy that your mom is coming over"

"I should have told you earlier its just when I told my mom about you she was excited and she wanted to meet you"

"I know and I'm happy she wants to meet me I'm just scared that she won't like me or she'll think wrong about me when she knows that we're not married and we're having a baby"

Sebastian lifted my head with this hands. We looked at each other in the eyes.

"Look she's going to be thrilled to meet you and to know that your carrying her grand daughter"
"How do you know its a girl"
"Sssshhh...because I know is going to be a girl...baby you have nothing to worry about"
I let out a sigh

"I love you Lora"
"Oooh god that nickname"
"I like it"
"I love you too sexy seabass"
"Oooh noooo"
He said laughing

"Its only fair"
"Okay okay"
"I can't wait to meet your mom"
"I'm glad you can't wait"

Sebastian kissed me and I kissed him back.

I actually can't wait to meet his mom.

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