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It was the day I was leaving....I couldn't leave Sebastian and laura. I was going to miss them so much. Even though I was only going to be gone for a week.

Sebastian helped me pack my things.
He double checked to see if I had everything and I wasn't missing anything.

Next day we drove to the airport.
My first stop was in California then Florida and after that its Paris then Italy and last one new york. Sebastian said he would be going to the one in new york. So I'm excited for that I can't wait to see him then.

We got to my gate I was going to get on my flight.
I hugged Sebastian and we kissed for a long time. I looked at larua and I kissed her.

"I'll call you when I'm off the flight"
"Okay baby"

We kissed again.

"I'm gonna miss you"
Sebastian said
"I'm going to miss you more"

I started walking to my gate
I gave the nice lady my flight ticket
I went down the hall and I got on the plane. I put my bag on the over head and I got in my seat. I sat there already missing Sebastian and the baby. A few minutes passed and the plane started moving. I looked out my little window to find laura and Sebastian waiting at the window.

The plane took off
The flight was about 5 hours
I finally was off the plane and I grabbed my things and I found my suit case.
I walked out to find a cab to the hotel the modeling agency told me to stay at.

I got in the cab and I told him the address. He started driving.

On the way over I called Sebastian we talked on the phone for awhile.
I got to the hotel and got my room.

Next day the modeling show.
There were great lights and some very good music. The models were great and did a great job. Next Florida every thing was on the beach which was freaking amazing.

Paris was my favorite. Everything was so fancy. There was a after party a lot of the models went to including myself. The party was fun there was dance and drinks.
It was fun.

That place was beautiful! It was an outside event. So the day was sunny and warm which was great weather for the day. I video chatted Sebastian all the time when I woke up when I had a chance to talk to him and before I went to bed. I really missed him and the baby. I couldn't wait to go back home to see him. I couldn't wait to see him at the model show. He said he would leave Laura with Olivia so he didn't have to bring her to the show.

I wasn't feeling good on the flight maybe its just jet leg or something in the line of that. I actually threw up on the flight. I couldn't call in sick because it was the last day and they need all the models. I'll just suck it up until I'm done with the show and I can go home. when I was off the flight I went straight to the place the show going to be at. The show was in an hour so I got dresses and everyone practiced. We took a break and the show started.
I got in the dress I was walking the runway with. About 3 models walked then I started walking and I saw Sebastian in the front row and he was smiling at me.
The show was going great we were about an hour in. The models were fantastic. We walked in singles and with pairs. We were just having fun with it. Camera's went off and people would clap.

I was loving this show
3 hours passed and the show was finally over. Sebastian met me back stage
We hugged each other

"You looked beautiful up there"
"Awe thank you baby"

We kissed
We went to go pick up laura

Finally we were home
Sebastian put the baby to sleep then he got a phone call from someone.

I wasnt feeling good again.
I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

I was starting to worry a little.

I went in my bag and pulled out a pregnancy test.
I closed the door and locked it.

I took the test and waited for a while

I heard a knock on the door

"Are you okay babe?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Okay...just checking"

I looked at the test and I came out....


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