No she's not

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I got to Billy's house crying.

Jake answered the door. I sat in the living room.

Billy- omg girl what's wrong?
"Billy I need you"
"Sweetheart what's wrong"
"So as you know I'm dating Sebastian Stan"
Billy- you are?
"Yeah and he told me he broke up with his girlfriend and he started dating me and this morning his ex or whatever she is came in his house and it looked like they were still dating and she was repeating stuff that he said and he was saying he didn't say those things...billy I don't know what to do!"

Billy- awwe honey you need some coffee to calm down okay let's go in the kitchen

I sat on the kitchen counter as billy made coffee.

Billy- Honey I don't know why your so worked up about him if he didn't break up with his girlfriend and dated you then he's an asshole
Jake- you deserve better
"I know but I love him"

Billy- you can get over him you just need time
Jake- yeah its not like your married with him

"I'm pregnant"

Billy and Jake looked at me with peal faces.

Jake- with him?
"We were drunk and he did it at this party in the hotel and when I told him that I was pregnant I guess that's when he broke up with his girlfriend and started dating me"

Billy- are you going to keep it?
"What do you think billy"
Billy- how long have you been pregnant?
"Um I would say about 3 weeks"
Billy- awe honey
"I don't know what to do"

I heard my phone ring in my bag
I looked around my bag and pulled it out. Sebastian's face popped up.

I didn't answer it

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I didn't answer it.
Within an hour Sebastian left me.

100 missed calls
40 voice mails
50 text messages

I had to go
Me and the band were working on some new music so we were going to be in the music studio all day.

When I got there I acted like everything was great. That there wasn't any problems in my life.

Billy's POV

I felt so bad for my girl Gloria
She loved that man you can tell.

I was about to make breakfast for me and my man when I heard my door bell ring.
I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Sebastian
He looked worried and panicky

"Can I help you?"
"Are you billy west?"
"Oh gloria here?"
"No she's not you just missed her she left about 20 minutes ago"
"Uugghh! you know where she went or something?"
"Can you please tell me where she is?"
"Look I fucked up really bad and I'm sure she told you because your her GBF and I really need to talk to her she won't answer any of my texts or calls and I really need to apologize to her"
"She loves you... you do know that"
"Yes and I love her I love her more then anything right now"

I thought for awhile to see if I should tell him where gloria is.

"She's with her band at lounge studios making music"
"Thank you billy"
"Your welcome"

And then he ran off into his car.
I hope I did the right thing.

Gloria's POV

The band was doing great
As the boys were making music I was writing down some lyrics.

Bex- hey gloria!
Bex- theres someone here for you
Bex- I don't know some guy

I closed my notebook and walked to the front and I saw Sebastian.

"What do you want?"
"I'm so glad I found you here"
"Well you found me what do you want?"
"Gloria I know I fucked up and I broke up with her.. me and her are officially done...and I'm sorry"
"Sorry for what...when you lied to me or when you kicked me out your house?"
"I know I'm sorry I should of never let you walk out that door and I promise you that won't happen ever again"

I stood there quiet

"Please gloria I love you"
My heart stopped...he's never said that to me.
"Gloria please I would..."
"Stop talking"

I walked up to Sebastian and hugged him. Sebastian hugged me back.
He looked at me
"I love you too seb"
Sebastian then kissed me

And with that he had everything okay

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