Are you serious?

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Its been about 3 weeks and I don't know if I'm pregnant. I thought I should check and to be 100 percent sure I am pregnant... If I am

I want to hear it from a doctor
I set up an appointment for today at 12.

I ate breakfast and I took a shower I did a light makeup and put my hair in a messy bun. With a cute outfit. It was hot outside today.

When I got ready I grabbed my car keys

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When I got ready I grabbed my car keys. I went down to the parking garage. I got in and started the car. I drove to the doctors office.

I signed in and I waiting for a little while. They finally called my name and I followed the nurse to one of the rooms. She asked me a few questions than she told me the doctor will be with me shortly.

I waited for about 5 minutes
The doctor walked in the room.

"Hello Miss. Styles"
She said to me
"Okay so what's going on?"
"I just want to know if I'm pregnant"
"I just want to be 100 percent that I am or not so I thought I would come here"
"Ah I see okay well we're going to have to take a pee test then...I'll have one of the nurses come and give you a cup and you can use the bathroom down this hall on the left"

The doctor walked out then the nurse gave me a cup. I went down to the bathroom. I made sure that I drank a lot of water so its easier to pee.

When I filled the cup I walked out the bathroom and the nurse was waiting outside. I gave her the cup

"Okay you can go ahead and wait in the room and we'll get this tested"

I walked back to the room I closed the door. I thought I would call Olivia and tell her what was going on. She stayed on the phone with me the whole time I was waiting.

I waited for about 30 minutes
Then the doctor walked in the room with some papers.

"Okay Gloria so we tested the pee and it turns out you are pregnant"

My heart dropped

"How long?"
"Umm...about 3 weeks now"
"Can I have that paper?"

The doctor gave me the paper
"Well congrats Gloria"
"Thank you"

She walked out the room
I walked back to my car

I don't know if I should be happy
Or have another feeling for this.

I went to go get lunch I sat at a table outside.
I ordered my drink..

I sat there thinking about this baby.
I heard someone call out my name.
I turned around and it was Sebastian.

He sat at the table.

"Hey you"
He said
"Hey seb"
"You okay?"
"Yeah I guess"
"No your not...tell me what's wrong"
"Sebastian do you remember that night at the party?"
"Yeah that was a crazy party"
"What do you remember?"

"Uuummm...I remember having a lot of drinks and me and you dancing then I remember going to my hotel room then thats it...oh but I was like naked I must of took my clothes off"

"You didn't"
"Sebastian we slepted with each other...I left before you woke up"
Sebastian's phone started ringing
He looked at it and answered it
He said a few words then hung up.

He looked at me
"Sorry it was my girlfriend"
"Wait...your...your girlfriend?"
"You have a girlfriend"
"Don't tell her we had sex together"
"Ha...don't tell her we had sex...okay Sebastian I won't tell her"

I was so upset that I paid for my lunch and drove back home.

Wtf he doesn't want his girlfriend to know we had sex.
So what am I going to tell him that I'm carrying his child.

What was I going to do now...

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