What's your problem!?

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I woke up the next day I freashed up and went out to see the baby.

I walked in her room and she was gone Sebastian wasn't around either.

I went to the kitchen to find a note on the counter.

Me and the baby will be out all day spending time together. Go to work and don't worry about us. Have a good day see you later. I love you


I poured me some coffee and cooked some breakfast. Then I went to get ready. Today was the last meeting then everything was set for the fashion show.

I changed into something simple today.

I got in my car I stopped by Starbucks then started heading out to the agency

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I got in my car
I stopped by Starbucks then started heading out to the agency.

I walked in the building and got on the elevator.

I got to the floor and I walked in the meeting room.

Time pass

I was sitting outside going over some emails. When someone sat at my table. It was Austin

"Why didnt you tell me you were engaged?"
"Oh my god...you need to stay away from me"
"I took you out to lunch"
"Oh wow what a big deal...because of you my future husband thinks I'm cheating on him with you!"

All of a sudden Austin kissed me on the lips. I pushed him off me

"What's your problem!?"

I walked away from him
The rest of the meeting we talked about how things are gonna go.

Today was not my day
I was walking to my car
when Don called me.
I answered him.

"Hey Gloria"
"Hi what's up?"
"Just wanted to see how you are"
"I'm good I'm under a lot of stress"
"Wanna talk about it?...we can get dinner"
"Sure where at?"
"Umm meet me panera bread on 5th avenue"
"Okay see ya"

I drove to the restaurant
I met up with Don we ordered and everything.

"So what's wrong?"
"This week has been stressful"
"So there's a fashion show and everyday I've been going to the meetings then I find out that I'm going to be one of the models so now I have to travel and not be able to spend time with the baby and Sebastian and...and on top of that I have this guy hitting on me...today he kissed me!"

"Are you serious?"
"Yeah the other day he came to my house and him and Sebastian were about to get in it...now Sebastian thinks I'm cheating on him"
"Wow I can't believe he kissed you"
"Yeah I pushed him off me like what the hell"

Don and I had our talk and we ate dinner. I went back home I was so tired. I walked in to see Sebastian sitting on the couch.

I put my things up

I said
Sebastian didn't say anything
I went into the kitchen to get water.

"Where have you been?"
Sebastian asked

"I went out to dinner with Don"
"With Don?"
"Yeah why?"
"You sure about that?"
"Yes why?"
"I don't know...maybe you were with your new mystery man"

Sebastian held up his phone

Gloria styles kissing a man
Who is this man?
Today gloria was sitting outside for lunch and the man walked up to her and they started talking. They planted a kiss on each other. But whatever happened to Sebastian Stan?

"Sebastian are you really gonna believe that?"
"They have a picture of you guys?!...you lied to me!"

"No I didn't Im not cheating on you!
Sebastian I'm your fiancé don't you trust me"

Sebastian didn't say anything

"You need to fucking grow up"

I was so pissed I walked in my room and I started to cry on the pillow.
I changed into my PJs and I got in the blankets. I was still crying.

I heard the door open and I acted like I was sleeping. I could hear Sebastian change. Then he got in the blankets I was trying to hold in my tears. Forcing my sobs to stay in my mouth.

I had my back turned to Sebastian.

I felt Sebastian put his arm around me.

I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry"

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