Dont be like that

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The next morning

I woke up and walked out of the room down stairs. I didn't see Sebastian around the house. I started to make coffee. When I heard keys raddle at the door then the door opened. I prepared myself. A few moments went by and I saw Sebastian walk in the kitchen. I didn't say anything and he put a small brown paper bag on the counter it looked like it was from Starbucks.

There was silence in the air

"Gloria I'm sorry"
I didn't say anything and I just looked at the floor.

"Gloria please I didn't know what I was saying...I just..."

I still didn't say anything I just wanted to avoid the subject.

"Come on gloria...don't be like that"

"Are you tired of me?"
I said

"NO! I'm not...I'm not tired of you"
"Do you love me?"

"Yes I love you...I love you with all my heart"
"Then what the hell happened last night"

Sebastian didn't say anything

"I just didn't wanted a child that soon...I thought you wanted to wait until laura was a bit older"

"Sebastian I can't control what happens with things...we both decided this on our honeymoon when you slepted with me"

Sebastian nodded his head.

"I just need to know that your still happy with me and your not having late second thoughts"

"No I'm not I love gloria and I'm happy with you I've always been happy with you nothing is going to change that...I'm happy we're having another baby I'm so happy baby...I want to be with you"

Sebastian walked to me and held my hand. I looked at the floor he lifted my head by my chin and we looked at each other in the eyes.

"I love you gloria and I'll always love you"

I smiled with tears in my eyes

"I love you too Sebastian"

Me and Sebastian kissed and hugged

"I hope we have a boy"
"Oh now you want a boy"
"Oh I know its a boy"

Me and Sebastian let out a giggle.

I'm glad me and Sebastian fix our problem. I don't like fighting with him. I'm glad we're having another baby and the best part is we're married now so it will be good.

I'm going to be very surprised if the baby is a boy. Sebastian won the first round.
Sebastian and I spent a lot of time with the baby. We took her to the park and she played with the dogs. Sebastian would take pictures of her...It was so cute how Sebastian played airplane with her. She would laugh and giggle which made Sebastian happy.

I couldn't wait to have this new baby in our lives. I was super excited. 

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