Get Out!

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Me and Sebastian have been good so far. Sebastian was going away for a new movie. This time he was going to be gone for about 3 weeks.

When he left Olivia came over a stayed at our house. We had a lot of fun. We went out and didn't things together.

2 weeks passed me and sebastian video chatted all the time. I missed him a lot. I couldn't wait until he came back home.

One day I was home with Olivia and the baby. I was picking up some of the toys. I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it"
I said
I walked to the door and opened it
There was a girl at the door.

"Hi can I help you?"
"Is Sebastian here?"
"Ah no he's working who are you?"

"You haven't heard?"
"Heard what?"
"Im pregnant with him"
"I'm having Sebastian's baby"
"No that can't be true"
"Well it is I'm having the test done and everything"

"Its not true"
"Well it is that's why I want to talk to him....look when you talk to him just tell him Lisa was looking for him he knows who I am"

I couldn't breathe I shut the door.

I almost fell to the floor but Olivia caught me"

"Sweetheart go upstairs your mommy will be fine"

Laura went upstairs I started crying really bad.

"Its not true gloria"
"But she seemed so sure"
"I'm sure she's lying"

I started crying again.
After an hour of crying I laid on my bed. I wanted to call Sebastian and tell him what happened. I looked on the internet and looked up his name.

Sebastian Stan at a party 2 weeks ago with another women.
Sebastian Stan having another baby but by another woman. News of a girl sending a video and posts about being pregnant with sebastian. But what ever happened to gloria? Is this news to her as well?

I couldn't take it anymore.
I called Sebastian

"Hi baby"
"Don't you baby me"
"Gloria what's wrong?"
"Are you happy with yourself?!"
"What are you talking about?"

"Read the news about you"
I hung up and started crying
A few minutes passed and Sebastian called me I answered it

"Gloria its not true"
"How's it not you went to a party and got drunk you don't remember anything then a girl came to our house saying she's having your baby"

"Gloria its not true you know I wouldn't do something like this"
"Oh whatever"

I hung up again
Sebastian tried calling me. He called me every time I didn't pick up the phone. He sent me text messages and voicemails.

Next day
I walked out my room to see Olivia and laura.

"Hey and laura are gonna go to the park...wanna come?"
"No I'm not feeling so good"
"Okay...well we'll see you later"

"Bye mommy"
"Bye honey"

They left the house and I made some coffee. I saw more news about Sebastian. The fandom was going crazy. I sat at the couch and i looked outside the window. I heard the door fly open I turned around and I saw Sebastian.

"What are you doing here?!"
"Gloria I wanted to talk"
"Talk about what"
"Baby its not true...I don't even know any girl"

"There's pictures of you and that girl  at the don't fucking lie to me!"
Sebastian didn't say anything

"Who is she?"

"Who is she?!"
"She's just a girl that was on set with us"
"See so you do know her"
"But I didn't sleep with her"
"Sebastian you were drunk you didn't remember anything so you wouldn't remember sleeping with her"

"Gloria I didn't sleep with her"
"Get out"

"Gloria please"
"I said get out"

"Baby please don't do this"

I started crying

"Sebastian please get out I'm asking you to leave"

Sebastian had tears running down his face. He walked slowly to the door and he looked at me one more time and walked out the door.

I sat down on the couch and I started crying more.

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