Comic Con

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Its been a month now and my belly is a little bit bigger now.
I thought I would tell all my fans.

So I did a YouTube video.

YouTube video
Hey guys welcome back to my channel
Wow I haven't did one in awhile right.
Anyway I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm pregnant!

Whoop whoop yeah I know you may have heard already and the rumors are true I am pregnant I'm a month now.

So I'm super happy
Um...I'm not gonna tell you guys who the daddy is just yet. When we're ready we'll tell you and I'll even introduce you guys to him on this channel. We're both really happy and I'm super excited I'll keep you guys updated and stuff so keep watching my videos...

I love you guys and I'll talk to you guys later.

I uploaded the video and within an hour all my fans were congratulating me and asking who the daddy was.

Me and Sebastian moved in with each other. We took his place. His place was way bigger then mine.

So why not.

I finally settled in.
Sebastian took me to comic con with him. When I told him not to take me. But he insisted he wasn't gonna leave in at the house alone.

Comic con was for 4 days.
The first day was so much fun.
I got to meet Anthony Mackie, Robert Downey Jr. And Chris evans.

They were really great funny guys.

It was the finally the last day of comic con. They were doing an interview with the fans.

 They were doing an interview with the fans

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Fan- this question is for Sebastian... Um can you tell us if your dating gloria styles because shes my favorite person and I want to know are you guys?

Sebastian let out a little laugh

Sebastian- aaaahhh...well me and gloria know each other...and we've been great friends...and to answer your wonderful question... Yes we are dating

Everyone clapped and screamed

Sebastian laughed
Sebastian- actually she's here with me so she's hearing everything

Sebastian got up and went back stage to grab me. I went on stage and everyone clapped and yelled.

Someone got me a chair to sit on.

Fan- I love you gloria!!
"I love you too"
Fan- gloria are you pregnant?
"Yes I am"
Fan- is it with Sebastian?

I looked at Sebastian and smiled
Sebastian smiled too

Sebastian- yes that's my baby

Everyone cheered and clapped

Fan- Do you guys know what it is?
Sebastian- no not yet but I want a girl
"And I want a boy"
Fan- you guys are really cute together
"Thank you hun"

The rest of the comic con interview I stayed on stage and the fans asked me how I feel about the movie and who was my favorite superhero.

I actually had fun at comic con.
The fans were great and the cast was so funny.

Now the whole world knows that I'm with Sebastian and we're having a baby together. But you know I'm actually happy everyone knows now. I don't want to keep this a secret anymore

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