Back Again

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Sebastian spend a couple of days in the hospital. He insisted on me going home and getting some rest. But I wanted to be with him. I wasn't gonna leave him there in the hospital.

The hospital finally let him go.
We went back to his place and together we cleaned the mess he made.
After that we played some video games. He tried cheating by distracting me.

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He was happy to have me again

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He was happy to have me again.
You don't know how hard it was to just leave him like that. The way I did I felt so bad for doing that.

I guess you can say everything went back to normal. I moved back in with him.

Sebastian wanted to get some lunch.
We walked to a little restaurant down the street. We sat at the tables outside.

"How's the band stuff coming along?"
"Its doing well"
"Are you planning to be going on tour?"
"Nope...only if our manager wants us to"

only if our manager wants us to"

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⬆ Sebastian gave me this look⬆⬆

"What's wrong?"
I asked him

"Nothing I'm just glad your here right now"
"I'm glad your okay"

"I didn't mean to scare you like that"
"Isn't that a cry out for help"

"Oh hush"He said "That was very romantic""Well what can I say I'm a romantic guy"

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"Oh hush"
He said
"That was very romantic"
"Well what can I say I'm a romantic guy"

"Oh hush"He said "That was very romantic""Well what can I say I'm a romantic guy"

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"Oh si que romántico"
"Don't speak that taco bell burrito language to me"

I threw a piece of food at him

I threw a piece of food at him

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"That a waste of food"

"Its not taco bell burrito language its called Spanish and you should learn it"
"I already know German and romainian I think I'm good"
"Oh whatever mister know it all"

"Its not taco bell burrito language its called Spanish and you should learn it""I already know German and romainian I think I'm good""Oh whatever mister know it all"

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It felt so good to see Sebastian smile again.

The rest of our lunch we talked.
It was good to hear Sebastian's voice.

Everyone knew the truth. It didn't matter if people stopped liking us or liked us more. If we lost fans or got more fans. All that mattered to me and Sebastian was that we were together and happy.

I didn't really hear or see any hate on twitter or any social media. Actually our fans we're really happy for us still.

Being back with Sebastian was amazing. I couldn't leave him like that and it broke my heart when I did.

After our lunch me and Sebastian went back to the house.

Sebastian was quiet

"You okay?"
I asked

I sat down next to him.

"What I said that day when I was getting in the cab...I didn't mean it...I know you promised yourself that you wouldn't let me walk out your door...and I know that broke your heart to make you let me go"

Sebastian stayed silent...which made me nervous.

I wonder what was going on through his head.

Very quickly Sebastian kissed me.

"Don't ever leave me again"
Sebastian said after breaking apart from our kiss.

"Never again seb"

A smile appeared on Sebastian's face.
Which made me very happy.

I ment my words... never again.... I'll never leave Sebastian again.

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