YOU WHAT?!?!?!?

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I woke up the next morning
I had a huge hangover

I looked at the clock
And then I looked around

I was in the hotel I saw my clothes on the floor.

"Oh shit"
I said under my breath.

I slowly turned around and I saw Sebastian sleeping on his back.

I got up slowly and I saw Sebastian's clothes on the floor too.

"Shit..shit shit shit"
I said under my breath

I changed in my clothes.
And quietly walked out the hotel.

I got down stairs and got in the car and drove home.

When I got home I changed in something comfortable.

I looked at my phone and went through my phone contacts.
I called my best friend Olivia

She's been my best friend since 8th grade.
I called her to meet me at my house.
When she got there we sat on the balcony.

"So what's up?"
She said
"Last night I went to a party that Don invited me"

"So Sebastian Stan was there"
"Omg really?!"

"Yeah but...we met like weeks ago so he was at the party and you know we got drunk and we danced and stuff and I woke up this morning in the hotel room naked under the sheets with Sebastian"

Olivia had a shocked face

"Was he naked too?"
"What do you think"
"Omg... Did you guys use protection?"
"I don't think we did"
"Oh my god Gloria!"

"I know I know I'm freaking out too"

We talked about it more
She had to leave because he parents were in the city.

Around the afternoon Don called me

I answered
"Hey gloria"
"Hey Don"
"So some party am I right"
"Hey do you want to work out today so get some of those drinks out of your system?"

Should I go or not?

"Sure what time?"
"In like an hour"
"Okay see you then"
"Okay see ya"

I hung up and I changed into my gym clothes I feed my dogs and took them out to do their thing.

I started walking to the gym when I got there I went into the lockers and put my back pack in my locker.

I found Don

As he was lifting weights I sat next to him.

"Hey Don can I tell you something?"
"Your my best guy and your like a brother to me"
"So that means what I'm about to tell you stays between us"
"Okay I promise"
"Last night at the party me and Sebastian got drunk and I think we slepted with each other"

"You what?!?!!?!"
"And I don't think we used protection"
"I don't know what to do"

Don put the weights down

"Well I mean sometimes it doesn't work the first time"
"That's true...but Don what if it did what am I going to do?"
"You have to tell him when you find out if you are"

Great what and I going to tell him
I can't imagine what I'm going to tell him.
This is going to freak him out if I am.....


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