Nice To Meet You

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The next day I woke up and I looked at my phone and I missed a call from Sebastian.
He left me a voice message

Voice message
Hey baby I know your asleep right now I just wanted to let you know that I just got off the plane. Call me when you get this message I love you bye.

I called him back it rang 4 times and I heard someone pick up the phone.

I heard Sebastian say

"Did I wake you?"
"Hey you no you didn't I was still up"
"Okay good"
"Good morning"
"Well for me not for you"
"Its more like good evening over here"
"How's everything?"
"Its good the we're almost done shooting this part of the movie"
"That's good"
"How's my babygirl?"
"She's good she's still asleep"
"How are you doing?"

"I'm good"
"I miss you"
"I miss you too"
"Hey can I ask you something?"
"Sure seb"
"Did my ex go over to the house?"
"Why you ask?"
"Because I got a text the other day saying sorry and apologizing and stuff"

"Oh...yeah she did come over and said sorry don't worry I didn't kidnapped her..I guess we're on good terms she met laura she asked about the baby so"
"Okay I just wanted to know... Oh one more thing my mom is gonna come over sometime this week to visit you and the baby"
"Oh yay! I miss her"
"She misses you too so I think she might call the house phone to let you know when she's coming over"
"Okay baby"
"Okay well imma go eat dinner I'll call you before I go to bed"
"Okay I love you"
"I love you"

I got up and refreshed myself and I walked to the baby's room to see her awake.
I changed her diaper and I made her milk. Spirit tried licking her and she would laugh.

"Spirit no"

I fed the dogs and I fed the baby.
I got a call from the modeling agency to come in the office to have a meeting about the fashion show for next month.
I packed the baby's diaper bag and some stuff I needed I changed my clothes. I did my hair and makeup.

I put laura in the car seat to take her to my best friends house

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I put laura in the car seat to take her to my best friends house. I dropped her off and I made my way to the modeling agency.

I walked in the meeting room and I noticed a guy staring at me. I felt so uncomfortable. I tried to focus on the meeting. By the time the meeting was over it was about 1 in the afternoon.

We all walked out and my phone started ringing.

It was Sebastian

"Hi baby"
"Hi beautiful"
"Are you going to bed?"
"Yeah I am"
"I was your day?"
"Long I've been in a meeting"
"A meeting?"
"Yeah the agency is doing a fashion show for next month and their picking people to go and I might go they considered me"
"Where is going to be?"
"One in LA and another in Florida and here in new York and I think one in Paris and Italy...but I don't know what I'm going to do with the baby"

"Don't worry I'll be home and me and the baby can have some daddy and daughter time"
"You sure?"
"Yes babe"
"Hey I have to go I love you so much and I miss you so much"
"I love you too baby and I miss you"
"I'll talk to you later"
"Okay baby night"

I hung up and I walked down the hall

I heard someone say
It was the guy who was staring at me

"Im Austin""Gloria""Nice to meet you gloria""Nice to meet you too"

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"Im Austin"
"Nice to meet you gloria"
"Nice to meet you too"

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