I Can't

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Next day I had to come in again. I left laura with Olivia my best friend.

We had another meeting and once again the man I met yesterday was staring at me

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We had another meeting and once again the man I met yesterday was staring at me.

After the meeting I started walking to my car.

"Hey gloria"

I turned around to see Austin.

"Hi Austin"
"I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat?"
"I can't"
"Awe why not its my treat I just want some lunch with a co-worker that's all"
"I really shouldn't"
"Oh come on its not like your doing anything else and I'm sure your hungry"

Omg he won't go away

We walked to his car we got in and drove to a restaurant.

We ordered our drinks

"So are you going to be one of the models?"
"I don't know yet their still planning and stuff"
"How long have you been in the modeling business?"
"Since I was 15"

"Wow really?"
"Yeah I've been in it for awhile now"
"That's awesome"
"What about you?"
"I've been in this business since I was about 18"
"Are you a model or what?"
"Yeah I guess you can say that I work with a lot of models but I started off as a model"

"Ooh okay"

Me and Austin had the rest of our lunch. We got to know each other a little more.
After I went to my car and picked up my baby from Olivia's house.
I went home and I played with laura for a little while and I fed her then she fell asleep.

I put her in her crib and I went to clean the kitchen. As I put some music I was cleaning the dishes.

I wasn't paying attention I was jamming out with the song.

I turned around to see Sebastian laughing at me.

"Oh my god Sebastian"
"What are you doing?"
"What the damn?!...what are you doing?!"
"Laughing at you"
"Oh shut up"

Sebastian walked up to me and kissed me. I hugged him

"I'm glad your home"
"Its good to be home"

"How come you didn't call me to tell me that your coming home punk"
"I wanted to surprise you"
"Yeah surprise to you laughing at me"
"You know you love me"
"Yeah I do"

We kissed

"Where's my babygirl?"
"She's sleeping I just put her to bed"
"You can go see her"
"That's what I'm doing"

As Sebastian walked to the baby's room. I picked up his bag I took it to our room.

Sebastian walked in

"Babe do you have any dirty laundry here?"
"No I washed everything before I got over here"
"Oh okay"
"Don't worry about it I'll put it away later...where are the dogs?"
"Oh their at Olivia's she wanted some company"
"Oh okay"

I sat on the bed
Sebastian got on top of me

"Oh god your heavy"
"Your so comfy"
"No no no off...get off your to heavy"

Sebastian turned around and I was on top of him.

"Well yeah I can breath"
"Oh hush"

I kissed him

"How was your week without me?"
I asked him
"Oh it was terrible"

Me and Sebastian watched a movie together I ended up passing out in his arms.

It was so good to have Sebastian back at the house. I was so glad he was home.

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