The Cinderella who left her hot pink phone (ch.11)

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okay.. i know..

its been so long since i last posted.. but dont blame me! i was busy with my prom.

oh yeah.. if you want the next chapter to be upload soon.

i need 15 votes!

so it'll make me be motivated to write faster and stop being procrastinated.

so vote! become a fan and leave a comment!

it'll be giving an contest o the end of the chapter.

the winner will become a new character for my story.

but i wont tell which story is it..


Chapter 11

------6:10 am, Wednesday -------

I was awakening by my alarm buzzing. I opened my left eye, with crunched face, bent my whole body and rambling on stuffs about how stupid I was to set up my alarm WAAAY too early. I was about to fall back to sleep, suddenly I stood up straight. I REMEMBERED!! I raised my hand and started counting:

"Monday- Just got back in US. Tuesday- Jesse's sudden arrival. Wednesday- 7am Jazz is coming to pick up Jesse!!" I quickly turned to see my clock that say: 6:14 am. I jumped out of bed, Ran towards the living room. I need to wake up Jesse!!! I told myself as I reach the sofa where Jesse was sleeping on. But before I scream :"WAKE UP! BIG BRO!", I suddenly stopped at the site of him sleeping peacefully.

He even scratched his nose and mumble something in what I think something in Japanese. I looked at the wall clock and saw: "5:45 am"...

"EEEH!!" I told myself and felt like wanting to smack my own head.

I forgot that I usually set my alarm clock 30 minutes in advance so that I won't be late. I put my hands on my waist and shook my head.

what's happening to me. I feel like I'm so not me these past few days..., it old myself and then I looked at Jesse, stretched my hand and pointed at him.

"And I think this is all your fault big bro hehehe..." I quietly said, Jesse suddenly gave out a snort and it made me giggle..

he looks funny when he sleeps. I paused for a while to think what I should do, and I suddenly noticed the coffee I left on the kitchen counter last night.

nothing beats a hangover better than a pure black coffee right? , I thought. so I walked towards the counter and as I was reaching for two cups of coffee.

"Hey!" someone surprised me from my back.

I jumped and almost dropped the cups and when I regained my balance, checked who the heck scared me. it was my dad, carrying on his one hand a new roll of newspaper and his own coffee on the other.

"You scared me dad! Good thing I didn't dropped the cups" I said annoyingly and started making my way to the counter and preparing two cups of coffee.

I took one teaspoonful of coffee. I started humming Pandora's song "try to forget" chorus. My dad looked at me as I make two cups of coffee and started giving me a creepy smile. I noticed this and at first I was trying to ignore it but the more I ignore this, the more he stares at me closer with his grin getting bigger and BIGGER.

"OK WHAT?! " I finally said dropping the teaspoon.

"Nothing..." my dad is so bad at lying. he even tried to sip coffee to divert my attention.


My dad gave me one last funny look, took down the cup of coffee he was drinking,

"Nothing, I was just wondering when did my daughter started to care for the opposite sex other than those who you are required by genes and family lineage to love, respect and tolerate.." My dad said then smiled.

yeah it didn't helped I was still confused.

"What I meant was, the only Man on earth you were able to care for is me and now you have a big bro" My dad finally made it clear.

"No, I don't care for him." I said shaking my head while I stir the coffee.

"You don't care?" My dad asked with suspicion.

"Then if you don't care, why are you making two cups of coffee. I already have mine?" He said and started drinking his coffee.

"These??? Umm... Of course maybe he might have some sort of a hangover. you're drinking one right now right??", errr.. that was my strongest defense.

"Ok, point taken, you're being just good host then why did you cover him up with a blanket?"

"I don't want him to be cold. dad that is also being a good host." I said.

"there are so many blankets laying around but you decided to cover him with your favorite blanket, the one that you swore to kill me if I let it be used by any guest. the same blanket that you never let anybody even your parents and friends touch it." my dad said, which made me suddenly stop stirring

"ooooh.... I think I hit a nerve there." My dad said and gave me a pat on the head then started walking away.

"I still think men are scums.." I said to my dad and he started laughing as he walked away.

I turned my back to see if Jesse's awake. I walked towards him.

care for a guy?? impossible , I kept repeating to myself...

Now I was just standing right beside him. He was still deep in slumber. I gave out a small smile.

"well, yeah. sometimes there will always be an exception to all rules." I look at his face closer.

I never got tired of doing this. Suddenly I felt like I was being pulled closer and closer to see his face. when suddenly his eyes opened. I panicked that I was caught red handed putting my face too close that I quickly stepped back so fast that I lost my balance.

"HEY!!!" Jesse tried his best to catch me but he was too slow.


"ouch!!!" I said, and I can hear him slowly started laughing.

"what were you doing little sis?" he said, and still was laughing hard.

"I.... I... I was just....looking at you...why is there a problem with that??" I bravely said and managed to sat up.


"Why??" he said giving me a funny look while pretending to wonder.

"errrr.. NOTHING!!!!!!!" I quickly grabbed the pillow and threw it on his face!

"Coffee is ready...." I said to him.

"Oh? Thank you! Come on little sis.." he stood up and reached out his hand to help me stand up.

I took his hand and I followed him towards our kitchen counter, where two cups of freshly brewed coffee was waiting for the Cinderella and her so-called prince.

(end of chapter 11)


okay, so here's the contest!

why do you think Liezel hates men so much?!

try guessing and you might get it right.. the answer will be posted in a very as in VERY far away chapter.

first one to answer will became Liezel's bestfriend and will be included to this and my next story^^.

did you vote yet?..

did you?

if not then what are you dawdling around?

Go and VOTE!!

The Cinderella who left her hot pink phoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon