The Cinderella who left her hot pink phone 34

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yey! i'm alive..  

that means you didnt kill me because of the last chapter XD  

well this is it..  

Chapter 34..  

since this is the last monday i'm going to post because my summer break is officially over...  

i'm gonna leave it with a BANG!!

oh yeah..  

i forgot..  

this story wont work without the song..  

for dramitic effect of course XD  

listen to it while reading okay..

enjoy reading okay..  

and dont kill me XD


Chapter 34

As if time stood still... all I can feel was his lips pressed to mine... It was gentle.... he took his time...

My heart was pounding... as if it wanted to escape.... my hands were shaking....

Jesse stopped... bit his lips and closed his eyes for a moment, thinking of what to do next... seconds later he opened it again... looking at me straight in the eyes. I suddenly felt him caressing my neck... gently stroking it.... I... I don't know what to do anymore. I looked down... tried my best to avoid his melting stare.

Then gently.... he pulled me again closer to his face.... then another kissed...

This time... this time it felt different.... not subtle and gentle like the one a while ago.

As if he was guiding me... teaching me how to kiss....

For 17 years... I was never kissed... I have no idea how to kiss back... but Jesse made me feel like I've been kissing for a long time.

My mind was blurry....  

images flashes in my mind...  

but then everything went blank...  

I... I finally let go.... closed my eyes and went on and follow Jesse's lead.

I stroked his neck then later brushed his hair... pulling him closer and closer... kissing him back... harder and harder.

I felt him bite my lips...

My mind is going in circles.... he was staring at me again... we were breathing heavily... it was getting hot... he doesn't have to explain... we were both perplexed about what is going on. He then leaned closer.... again another kissed... I closed my eyes savoring his lips as if glides over mine... then slowly... I felt something... his tongue glided over mine... it was weird... my heart is really beating fast every time.... yet even though this was my first kiss... my tongue reacted like it has its own mind.... I can hear him moan... then I soon followed...

He then pushed me hard on the bed... kissing me hard and harder... his hands moving around... gentle yet with force.... It was hot.... burning hot.

Why is Jesse doing this.............  

this is the thing I was thinking the whole time as he started to unbutton my pants...

I want him to stop....  

please Oniichan stop....

this is what my head was telling me but my body was going the opposite route.... His fingers gently caressing me.... I closed my eyes.... torn between enjoying what he was doing and totally being embarrassed to look at him.

The Cinderella who left her hot pink phoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon