The Cinderella who left her hot pink phone (ch.16)

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Chapter 16

------9:05 am-----

"Mister, are we there yet?" I nervously asked the driver, who by now is surely annoyed because I've been asking this question for the past twenty minutes or so. He gave me a piercing look of annoyance. Of all the days, why do I have to be stuck in a heavy traffic today?


"ok, ok, ok. I got it! you don't have to be mad at me, sheesh." I wanted to tell him that, but I was still to nervous to do so. I looked at the window, the sky was gray and I think it's gonna rain. GREAT! I was in too much of a hurry that I left all of my stuffs behind. the only thing that I had with me was my phone and some money to pay the taxi cab.

I closed my fist and started biting my finger to calm me down.

"big bro!! what a stupid idea" I told myself.

I wanted to push all the car ahead of us away so that I can be there with Jesse as soon as possible. The thought of him sitting there alone and totally unsure of his surroundings, people might start asking him questions. what if he encounters a person who will take advantage of him? he might get hold-up or something. The scary thoughts came rushing to my head. I feel my heart thumping harder and harder. I felt like I was about to cry because I was too worried about him.

"STUPID ONII-CHAN!!" I couldn't help myself but screamed that and gave a hard stomp. The driver quickly looked at me

"Hey! Don't break my car! " he said or shouted rather.

I looked at the driver and said sorry. I am so worried about him. I looked at my phone, there were no messages from him. I sent him a message asking him how he was 5 minutes ago and still no replies from him. I brushed my hand on my forehead out of frustration. Then I noticed the sky turning really dark now, then suddenly a drop of rainfall on the window followed by another and another... and finally it started to rain really hard. I looked at the sky with frustration and told myself: "I'm coming big bro"

------- 9:30-------

TRAFFIC! STUPID TRAFFIC!!! and the rain was falling hard.

"Ms, we're right about there, just calm down a little." The driver said.

It was frustrating; the airport was already so near yet so far because of the traffic. I can see the people already walking out of their cars and just carrying their luggage with them while they hold an umbrella over their heads. I looked at how far we are still from the shaded area where the taxi cabs let their passengers get off. I then looked at the driver, without thinking twice, I took the money from my pocket.

"Here you go." I just handed him a couple of money, without asking him how much my fair was really. I opened the door, I felt the hard wind blowing my hair then the rain falling on me and drenching my white uniform. I didn't care, I just started running towards the airport, passing by cars and people covered with an umbrella as they all give me a funny stare. A guy suddenly approached me: "Ms. do you need an umbrella?" He asked me, but I just waved my hand and continued running.

It was farther than what I expected. I was already breathing heavy and by now soaking wet. when I got to the airport, the guard stopped me and asked where I was heading.

"arrival terminal." I said with heave breathing and rain dripping on my face.

"oh you have to go that way." he took out something. "Ms, use an" He was too slow for I was already running to the direction he pointed.

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