The Cinderella who left her hot pink phone 20

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i uploaded a new story and its not even Monday!!!  

i cant sleep (its 1:50 AM here)  

and i have some great idea for the stories...  

and i dont want you guys to wait till monday (what?? i love you guys in a non weird way :) )

so ENJOY!!!


Chapter 20

It's already 6pm, the katsudon was really great. Auntie even said so. I remember her face when she finally entered the house. it was a nice though... I looked at the night sky and reminisced a funny scene a while ago.

"Aaaah... it's hot outside!.. Err??" Aunt entered the house with sweat on her forehead. She noticed Jesse and I are now happily preparing to eat.

"Let's eat Auntie!" Jesse said inviting Aunt, she just waved her hand and walked towards us, took my spoon and had a little taste of Jesse's cooking. Jesse and I looked at each other with slight fear that aunt will not like what we (although Jesse was the one who really did all the cooking) cooked. She took another bite without saying a word. It was an eternity.

"Tastes pretty good Jesse! You can cook anytime you want." Aunt said with a bright smile. I looked away and made whispered to myself:

"Ehhh... I can't believe aunt didn't even think I cooked it." Trying my best to hide my frustration from the two of them.

"Why would I think you cooked these? You don't even know what a katsudon is in the first place." Aunt said interrupting my hidden monologue --- EHHH come on, don't tell me aunt heard what i said, I looked to my aunt and I was surprised that Jesse was also looking at me.

"Umm.. you heard that too didn't you?" I asked him, who just nodded and gave me a smile and despite the fact I was red out of embarrassment of being caught doing my little monologue. they both started laughing.

"STOP DAY DREAMING.." Jesse shaking my head and snapping me back to reality. I looked over to see him sitting down on the other chair with the scent of nigh grass filling the air and the site of the sun setting in and stars slowly showing up. It was a beautiful night. "So, did little sis liked what we cooked?" he asked referring to the Katsudon we made.

"I DID!!" I said with a bright smile but then looked at the food resting in between the two of us. Gave a funny look, stretched my hand to point at it. "But didn't we cooked to much?" I was referring to the large bowl filled with katsudon.

"What can we do? We got carried away." He scratching his head then stretched his arms and legs. "Ahhhh... atsui... though it's night already it is still hot!" he took out a little towel and wrapped it on his head. It was a great look for Jesse, even just using a simple towel can look cool on him. He then noticed I was looking at him, sat up straighter and gave me a look of suspicion..."What?"

"ahhh... nothing..." I shook my head and wiped the sweat of my forehead, ahhhh Canada is too hot nowadays or maybe because he is sitting beside me. I wonder what the fans in here in Canada will do if they find out their idol is just sitting 3 feet away from me? I thought to myself.

"Day dreaming again..." he then gave me a sheepish smile, like he really knows what he was talking about.

"Sorry.." I tucked my hair under my ear, using the hand that I cut a while ago.

"I remember.. how's your finger?" He leaned over took my hand and examined the band aid he wrapped on it.

"It's better... don't worry much. I was just too carele----" I looked at him.

The Cinderella who left her hot pink phoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon