The Cinderella who left her hot pink phone (ch. 45)

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Chapter 45

Day 6 – This is Goodbye (Liezel’s POV)

We’re on the footsteps of the mountain.. planning the fastest and the safest way to get to the top… I looked at Jessa as she yawned and it was soon followed by mine.. it’s a good thing that her eyes isnt puffy anymore.. last night, she said she confronted Mark. She was crying the whole night and I was there to be her shoulders to lean on… like Jesse did to me a long time ago.. that’s the least thing I could do for them before I go far away… I already booked my flight for tonight.

“what about we split in groups?” John suggested. I’m in no condition to argue.. I just want to leave a good impression.

“since we’re all and all 14 here.. lets divide it into two groups. The couples should separate, of course” Anne suggested.

“Great plan babe.. but why do we have to separate? I’m gonna miss you, you know?” John wrapped his arm on Anne’s waist.. they’re so sweet.. I envy them.

“well, it’ll be a great thrill, right? It’ll serve as our motivation to reach the top much faster.” Pam agreed. The guys seems to object but the know they cant win against the girls… they’re such gentlemen.

“fine.. I’ll group with Jea, Eric, Jessa, Jesse, Kris and Liezel” John sighed. What?! I don’t want to be in the same group as Jesse! It’ll make more harder to let him go..

I looked at Jazz to help me and he seemed to have an Idea. “I want to go with Liezel.. since we’re not a couple and all” he said. Jazz, you are definitely my hero!!

“but it’ll be 6:8” Eric said.

“then I’ll exchange for Liezel” Mark stepped up.

Jessa glared at him, still angry at what Mark did.. come to think of it, if I exchanged with Mark, the might reconcile and be happy again… or it’ll be much worse. I know too well that Jessa is still in love with Mark. A girl wouldn’t cry that much if she doesn’t still love the guy..

“but we cant be grouped with our other half, right? That’ll be unfair for all of us” MJ objected.

I looked at Jessa and she looked at me. I bit my lower lip. She waved to call my attention then smiled at me.. ‘its okay’ she mouthed.. she then looked at the others..

“don’t worry… we broke up already last night” Jessa said in a venomous tone… yup.. she still loves him.


“How much longer?” Rose groaned and asked for the nth time.

We’ve just started 3 hours ago and she did nothing but complain! She even make MJ and Jazz carry her things. Really? What did Jesse see in her?

I shouldn’t have exchanged with Mark if I know it’ll be this disastrous. We’re havent even reached the 1/3 of the mountain.

“come on guys! Lets take a break” Rose pleaded and sat on the nearest boulder.

“we’ve been taking breaks the whole time!! You’ve been holding us back the whole time you know!” Pam finally snapped.

“but I’m really tired!” Rose groaned.

“this bit--”

“Pam.. I’ll wait for her.. you guys go ahead” I said.

I don’t want to be alone with Rose. Who know what’ll she do to me?! But I don’t want Pam to stood on Rose’s level.

“but it’ll be dangerous if we left you two alone” Anne said.

“don’t worry… I’ll go with them” Jazz smiled.

The Cinderella who left her hot pink phoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon