The Cinderella who left her hot pink phone (ch.13)

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hi! i know its short..

but i have SO many things to do (school stuffs)

so enjoy!!


Chapter 13

"Where's Jesse?" My mom popped her head inside my room.

I quickly wiped the tears off my face and closed my phone. I pretended to give a slight smile then rubbed my hands on my legs as I sit down on my bed.

"He's gone, he was picked up a while ago by the others." I said rubbing my nose to dry.

"The group? Oh Pandora?" My mom said with excitement in her voice.

"Yeah." I said, making it a point not to look at my mom's eyes. I then took out the white plastic bag Jesse gave me. I looked at the outside and then as I started to pull out the contents.

"Jesse's a nice guy right?" My mom said while roaming around my room, she then spotted a poster that I hid under my closet.

She pulled it out and looked at Jesse. the poster shows Jesse and the others with a happy and retarded look.

"You really can't judge a book by its cover. Honestly he is my least favorite guy to look at whenever I enter your room before but now, your dad can't wait to drink with him again." My mom snorted, she then shook her head and put down the poster.

"Yup, a real surprise right mom."

"Men are not all like 'him' you know" mom especially air quoted 'him'.

"it will not kill you to be open again to friendship, especially to Jesse, he may turned out to be a great friend. nothing more and nothing less. give yourself another chance. friendship doesn't hurt right?" My mom said and gave me a smile and left.

Friends? not a bad idea. Jesse as surrogate brother..., I told myself.

"Yup...friendship doesn't hurt..." I told myself then a memory of my past floods back. A memory that happened between me and my bestfriend. I shook my head and chanted 'it will never happened again, we're gonna be JUST friends' then sighed.

I then continued on pulling out what he gave me. Turns out, it was his Red notebook. the memory started rushing back to me. the memories of:

The Airplane scene:

"Well, we're going there for a small segment for one of our concert." he replied and suddenly took out a small notebook and read it.

"what's that?" I tried trying to lean and see and goodluck, all I saw was Japanese characters that I have no idea if it were Hiragana or Kanji.

"Oh this? My schedule? See, You can't read them don't you?" He looked at me with an already knowing face.

"why is it all written in Japanese characters" I asked while scratching my left ear.

"I'm studying them, I want to live in Japan someday" he answered.

"Well as far as I know it's a cute little red notebook." I said pointing out at the hot red notebook in his hand.

"Err, thanks, See fully scheduled. I guess will not be able to go around and see you you're place when we get there." Jesse said as his fingers browses his notebook.

(end of flashback)

I gave out a small laugh then I flipped it open and to my surprise in each page, a picture was pasted. He also did some doodling which made me laugh. The pictures from our short photo-shoot on the plane courtesy of MJ's camera then there were also other pictures of them, maybe taken during their break from shooting. then there was a picture of Jesse with his phone on his ear while giving out a huge smile. There was something written below the picture.

"while talking to little sis", and there was an arrow pointing to the phone.

I started laughing as I turn to each page of that little notebook. I giggled at John and MJ's funny faces. Then to my surprised there were also pictures of Jazz and Jea and there's also something written below it.


Then a photo of Jesse jotting down something in his little red notebook with a caption "Busy doing my gift to my little sis during breaks, photo courtesy of MJ"

Then another photo of a digital photo printer, with a caption "Without this little thing, this will not be possible"

"Onii-chan you're such a dork!" I told myself.

Then when I reached the last two pages, the first one has a photo of the 5 Pandora members with big smiles on their faces unlike the ones you see in magazines. that was the first time I saw them smile like that. So genuine, so true. Jesse wrote for a caption: "We all liked this photo, for some weird reason we all agreed this was the best photo we had taken for years and I'm giving my copy to you. Take care of this ok?"

I bit my lips to prevent myself from crying.

I turned to the last page and the last page made me cry...why?

Because the last page contained a single picture, A picture of the two of us using his camera phone. a picture taken 10 minutes before he left the plane. his head was leaning on my head, while I give out this big smile and both of our hands with a "peace" sign. I looked closer at our eyes and it was filled with life. his smile was as big as mine. There were no sign of him being an Idol. what I see there is none other than my onii-chan. both of us having a severe case of bed hair but it didn't matter. at the bottom part, he wrote:

"Friends. Big bro and little Sis"

then at the bottom corner he wrote:

"Let me prove you wrong. not all men are scums."

It was a weird feeling that came upon me. I was happy and at the same time sad. I was crying and yet I was giggling. I was never given such a gift before, maybe the species called "men" deserves a second chance right? that's what i think.

"big bro, you've already started proving me wrong." I told myself and there, I wiped my eyes dry, took a deep breathe and then started to flip through the pages once more, this time savoring the beauty of Jesse's attempt to draw on each page (I think he was trying to make a border for each photo, which he obviously failed) and enjoyed each photos instead of crying.

(end of chapter 13)


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