July 30, 2011

81 4 1

In my first dream, I was back in sixth grade and walking to lunch with my friend Ainsley. But when we got to the cafeteria, some teachers told us we had to go to the gym instead. So we went there, and the ShamWow guy trapped all of these kids, including us, in too-small-tents. I managed to find some holes to put my head and arms through, but when I stood up I went flying out of the tent and landed sprawled across the crappy tile. The ShamWow guy made me get back in the tent, and he let all the other kids go. While they were leaving, I saw a scared little kitten and tried to get it to come into my tent, for whatever reason. The ShamWow guy saw the kitten and shoved it inside my tent, where it started clawing my legs and hissing. I screamed, and the cat disappeared.

Suddenly I heard a voice say that I could teleport into anyone else's body anywhere to escape, so I did and I ended up in the body of this girl who was floating down a river created from an old train track. These men in uniforms saw her/me struggling and pulled me out, but I started shrinking until I was the size of a car tire. One of the men picked me up and explained that I must have swallowed some of the river water, because it turned girls into tiny dolls. He gave me a small mirror, and I indeed had been turned into porcelain. And I was a redhead.

I started crying, so one of the men offered to take me to the empress, who could probably help me. I agreed, and the man, who introduced himself as Daniel, carried me to a large room, where the empress sat on her throne. He explained my problem, and the empress told me that although she couldn't help me, there was a powerful wizard who could. The same voice from before reminded me that I could teleport anywhere, so I did.

This time I was in a room filled with beautiful Christmas decorations. I could remember the most from this dream, and I remember blurting out, "So this is what it's like to know that you're dreaming!"

A woman opened the door, and grabbed my arm, saying, "There you are, Alice! I've been looking all over for you!" I was powerless to resist as she dragged me out of the room, and into a large foyer where a huge crowd of people in fancy clothes were standing and talking to each other. In the mirror I saw that I was dressed in a dark green and red dress, that I recognized from an old stuffed animal I had had when I was little. My hair was also now blonde, and held in a ponytail with a green ribbon. My eyes were still hazel, though.

I looked up when someone called my current name. Gesturing for me to come over, the four sisters squealed annoyingly, except for the youngest, who lead me away and apologized. I noticed she had a bit of an accent, and I realized she was Anastasia Romanov, apparently when she was twelve.

The voice warned me that I needed to leave, because something bad was going to happen. I recognized the voice was Forever of the Stars, and asked him where I was. He didn't answer, so I teleported anyway.

I was back in my own body, with the exception it had been old-fashioned to fit in with the place I was at now. I was standing at the top of a staircase with three different sets of stairs to go down. I saw a very tall creature start to go up the stairs, then he stopped and ran to the other stairs when he saw me. This continued for all three staircases, until I finally lost my temper and yelled at him to make up his mind. The creature apologized and asked me if I was the king's lost daughter, because I looked like the queen. I asked him what their names were, and he said the queen's name was Michelle, but no one remembered the king's name. I realized he meant my character Michelle, so I told him I wasn't her daughter. The creature shrugged and walked away, leaving me alone.

Suddenly, everything went black, and I heard music. The music abruptly stopped after a while, and Forever of the Stars said I was suffering from nostalgia, and as a result was dreaming of my childhood.

And then I woke up.

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