September 11, 2016

78 8 1

I was in a mansion with labyrinthine hallways and hundreds of rooms. There must have been some sort of party or meeting going on, because there were dozens of people, including my family and friends, but it was mostly strangers. They weren't the sort of people you'd expect to find at a fancy house party; most of them looked like poor farmers and laborers, based on the way they were dressed. I didn't see any children around, just adults. I think I was older than I am now.

I was in love with someone there. He had pale skin and long dark hair. He was very beautiful, but he wasn't quite human. I don't remember his real name, but everyone just called him "D" which was the first letter of his name.

I managed to get alone with him in a room, but not for very long. Someone came in and wanted to see D, who was thought of as a curiosity because he was strange. Despite my protests and attempts to get them to leave, more people started coming in, eventually forming a crowd around him. They started forcing me away from him, and in the struggle I grabbed a chain that was around D's neck.

Outside the room, I wandered the halls for a while before walking into a bathroom and closing the door. I could see my reflection in the mirror as I started to cry. I was holding the chain, which had become a very different piece of jewelry; I had pulled away a chain with a blue pendant, and now it was a string of red or purple beads. It reminded me of a rosary.

My mother got me to open the door and told me I shouldn't hang around with him. I was very upset and told her to go away. She sighed and told me that I should have left on my own; that way the crowd would have moved on. I opened the door and ran past her, going into a bedroom.

I waited there for no more than a minute, and D appeared. I closed the door and told him I loved him. He asked me if I would do something for him. Of course, I said yes, anything you want. I don't recall him telling me what he was going to do or agreeing to it, but the next thing I knew he was hammering a nail through the skin of my right shoulder.

It didn't hurt very much, and so I didn't seem to think I was in any real danger. But then he put a nail through one side of my neck, and I thought to ask him what he was trying to do. (Maybe I was drunk or drugged?) He told me he had found a new way of eating human flesh, and that he was going to try it on me.

Naturally I panicked. Before he could put another nail in me, I jumped up and grabbed a metal railroad spike he had lying on the table with the other nails. I stabbed him through the heart with it. At once, the flesh melted and boiled off his bones, turning into a green mossy/foamy substance that coated his skeleton. I collected the bones and carried them out of the room, passing by all of the people. They didn't look at me, and so didn't question why I was carrying slimy human bones.

There was a trashcan in the garage, just like at my own house. I threw the bones inside. I think the shock finally wore off then, because I started sobbing like a baby. I was still standing there in the doorway crying when an old man in dirty blue overalls asked me who I was. I told him my name, and he said there was someone there to see me.

Behind him was D, wearing only a pair of black pants. His skin was covered in bright green paint, and his hair was short. I ran up to him and threw my arms around him. He explained to me that he had been going through some sort of transformation which made him sick. When I stabbed him, the sickness in his body consumed him, but his body reformed from the bones. The green paint was the residue of that mossy substance that had coated his skeleton. It came off on my hands, leaving pale handprints on him. I had a strange sense then that he wasn't real after all, that he was a fictional character I had created, and that I had the power to hurt and heal him.

He started to apologize for what he had done to me. I told him it was all right and whispered that I loved him. I didn't want any of the bystanders to hear me say it, but one of them did and said, "Did you just say you loved him?"

"No, of course not!" I replied, taking his hand, "That would be like saying I loved an ogre, like Shrek!" I was grasping at straws here and decided to turn it into a joke about him being green. But he was already so smudged by my touching him, he was more white than green. I led him back into the house. The dream ended there, with me leading him by the hand.

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