March 19, 2024

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I have been sick for eleven days with complications related to PCOS (at least, that's what the doctor thinks). During this time I have taken Tylenol PM in the evenings so that I can sleep. I haven't had any dreams while taking it until last night, when I woke up at around 5 AM after only six hours of sleep needing to go to the bathroom.

The first dream I had was clearly informed by my illness. I had grown a full beard as a result of having PCOS, and I was horrified and desperate to shave it off. But I was trapped in this strange, poorly built house which had an electrical problem. I would find a bathroom, but the lights wouldn't work properly, so I couldn't see well enough to shave. The house was crowded with people, including my relatives - it reminded me of my grandparents' house, where members of my extended family would meet for celebrations. Their house was also very dirty and cluttered because they were old and couldn't keep things tidy. After some time of wandering around frantically with my hands covering the lower part of my face, I found a bathroom with good lighting. But then a woman or a girl came in. I begged her to leave, hiding my face from her. She was very sweet and apologetic, and she gave me something. It wasn't a useful thing, but it was something that helps people feel better, like a piece of candy or something like that. Then she left, and I was able to shave the beard off completely. I remember feeling relieved, but I knew the beard would just grow back and I would have to keep shaving it every day.

In the second dream, I time travelled to when I was in high school. I could see myself as a teenager sitting on the bleachers during a school assembly. Next to me was my former best friend, J. We stopped being friends about five years ago after we had a big argument and she cut all ties with me. While I was sick, I contacted her grandma and tried to apologize for hurting her, but I never got a response. I didn't expect one. In my dream I tried to warn my younger self that I was going to lose all my school friends, and that J would dump me. But my younger self couldn't hear or see me, so it was useless.

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