May 12, 2020

14 1 0

As you have probably noticed, I keep having these recurring dreams where I'm trying to go to the bathroom, but people (both people I know and strangers) will keep bothering me. I wonder if this means I have a subconscious fear of my privacy being violated.

Anyway, last night I dreamed that I was at some kind of school (not one I've ever attended, but a very large middle or high school) and the teacher was very standoffish. At some point I got up to go to the bathroom, and I had to take this small black remote with me as a bathroom pass. I took a left out the door of the classroom and went a little way down the hall to the women's restroom. Another girl arrived at around the same time I did, and I went into the stall farthest away from hers. Some of the stalls were missing doors. As I was looking for a stall, a boy I went to high school with, C.I., walked in. I laughed and asked him what he was doing there. He was breathless and in a hurry, but he said he was just passing through; something about people being jerks and trying to prevent him from getting to class.

I went into one of the stalls, latched the door, and took off both a leather jacket and a sweater underneath it (why I was wearing both, I'm not sure). Not long after I sat down, a group of about four or five girls came in. I could hear them talking. Two of them approached the door to my stall, got up close to it and were whispering to each other while facing me. I asked them to go away, and they started peering over the top of the door, looking at me. I started to yell at them, but this only drew the attention of the other girls.

I mistook one of them for a guy and said, "What the fuck are you doing here?!" One of the other girls said "She's a girl, not a guy." Which only made me even more annoyed. I called the girl a dyke and told them all to fuck off, but they still wouldn't leave me alone. Finally, I gave up trying to go to the bathroom and stood up, but then the girls stole my jacket and sweater. At that point I was so furious I was starting to act calm. I asked them politely to give me back my stuff. The girls were making weird comments; the one I specifically remember was "How's it like to grow up rich?" referring to my clothes? I actually used to know the girl who took my jacket, her name was Hanna. We were actually friends.

They finally gave me back my stuff. I don't remember anything happening after that.

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