June 7, 2018

14 0 0

Last night I dreamed I was in a dark bathroom, with the lights turned off at night. I was trying to take a shower, but I had a hard time getting my clothes off and it seemed like new clothes were appearing on me where there had been none before. I started to become frustrated and gave up, climbing into the shower anyway, and the remaining clothes dissolved under the water.
Another dream afterward, though I don't remember the connection. I was in a strange city of very old, medieval type buildings. There was a church and a separate, smaller building with a sign that said "Bible study hall". Right next to it was a dirty, ancient brothel. I could see inside, and there was one room filled with beds. The whores were naked and all had shaved heads. Some of them were so filthy with grime they looked like they were a different race. I asked someone what it was, even though I assumed it was a brothel, and they confirmed it. They said such places are everywhere, even beside churches.

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