May 22, 2018

14 0 0

I dreamed I was in a school classroom as a student. The teacher was an old man and I was getting tired of the political correctness. Even though it was apparently a religion class, the teacher was discussing an old American folk song which contained the word "nigger" in its lyrics. He insisted we had to forget about the original version in favor of a more acceptable rewritten one from the Vietnam War.
I interrupted the class to say I preferred the original and refused to forget it. The old man looked puzzled, then his expression darkened.
A woman, presumably a vice principal or other powerful staff member, happened to be sitting in the class and she called someone, mentioning what happened. So I was going to get in trouble for my outburst. I was aware of how childish I sounded, but I felt they were missing the point.
So when I saw the woman writing up a receipt for me, I went over and started arguing my case. I said it wasn't worth squashing the first amendment (but I was so nervous and stammering I said second amendment, then had to correct myself) just because something was offensive. She was very smug and basically blew me off. She gave me the receipt and I figured I was supposed to hand it in to someone.
I couldn't find the office at this maze of a campus, so while I was wandering around aimlessly I started reading the receipt. She explained what I had done in the most condescending terms, making me sound like an ignorant child, and even made her argument that I wasn't "considering the context" then launched into a bizarre rant about WWII.
I accidentally tore the receipt, but found a dead woman who could read lips working at some kind of office. She directed me somewhere, and that's the last I remember of that dream...

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