July 26, 2017

24 0 0

As is often the case, I dreamt an entire elaborate plot, the details of which I will attempt to recall.

My family had broken into a mansion. It was a family affair indeed; even my brother came along, even though he simply locked himself in one of the many rooms and played his video games the entire time. I was very nervous and didn't want to be involved, but I was forced into it by my parents.

Not long after we got in, the owner of the house returned. We hid and watched him from afar. The man had long, shaggy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and he was dressed like a Japanese samurai or monk. His feet were bare, and the way he walked and gripped things with his toes reminded me of a chimp.

My parents ordered me to go up and talk to him, to explain why we were there before he noticed us and called the police (or, more likely, tried to kill us himself). Still hiding, I called out "Mr. Weller?"

Mr. Weller froze and listened. I left my hiding place and followed him into a large chamber like a throne room. There he had me sit on the floor, while he sat across from me and waited patiently for me to speak. I was incredibly anxious and couldn't communicate very well, stammering and whatnot, but I remember the first words I said were "My parents divorced when I was fourteen, or some age like that." I can't remember everything I said, but I believe my explanation was that we were members of some kind of cult or movement, the beliefs of which I disagreed with. This group had convinced my parents that the end of the world was imminent, and that they had certain missions to perform before the Apocalypse. One of these missions involved breaking into Mr. Weller's house.

Mr. Weller listened silently, but at some point I became so distressed and my nerves were so bad I fainted. From there, my memory of the dream becomes hazy. I believe at one point we were all standing outside in the courtyard having some sort of epic magical battle, in which I joined with a tiny implike creature so that my lower half was attached to their upper half. Mr. Weller turned out to be a warlock or sorcerer of some kind, but ironically, he called upon the "nephilim" (angels) to help him. They appeared as falling stars in the night sky above us, but never actually arrived to the battlefield.

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