May 31, 2018

15 0 0

I was sitting (I think) in a classroom. My cousin Christine might have been there but I don't remember how she was involved.
Bob Dylan was there, sitting at a table, an old man. Everyone rushed out of their desks and crowded around him. I stayed behind, kind of waiting for the crowd to disperse. They all left the room really quickly, I don't know why.
But I went over at that point and sat down next to him. There was a piece of paper on the table in front of me, covered on both sides with what looked like text.
Bob Dylan asked me to read it. I remember asking if he wanted me to read it aloud, and he said no. I started looking at the page, and for some reason he took his hat off (it was gray and sort of like fedora, but the brim wasn't as wide) and put it on my head. I tried to adjust it because I have an unusually large head (I was even a cesarean baby because of it) and basically wound up with it shadowing my eyes.
I started reading, but the letters weren't visible. Instead there were these alternating blocks or shapes in different colors. It remind me of a medieval manuscript somehow. I was able to understand it despite this, and it was talking about God and religion, though I don't remember specifics.
At some point Bob Dylan reached around and lifted the corner of the hat, asking me if I was doing okay. I said yes. I don't know why, but he briefly touched my ear; I remember it because it made me flinch, kind of a kneejerk reaction.
I read both sides of the paper, and towards the end the scenario changed suddenly. I was no longer in a classroom, but an auditorium, and there were people on the stage in a panel giving a lecture. The tone of their voice was haughty and annoyed. I have a feeling they were college professors.
He took back his hat when I was finished. I don't remember the rest.

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