March 13, 2018

15 0 0

I dreamed that I looked like the actress Rachel Hurd-Wood in the movie Peter Pan. She was kind of an avatar for me in my youth, because she was a storyteller and wanted to be a novelist, not to mention she was prettier than me...
I was standing in line to be beheaded in an underground dungeon.
We were allowed a small last drink, and could pick between water, juice, or milk. I chose milk, even though I don't usually drink it. I think it had more to do with the way it looked - white and opaque.
A woman with a little girl were in front of me. They had trouble loading both of them into this shopping cart type thing, which you had to lean over and support yourself on while you were waiting to die. There was a delay in the guillotine blade falling, and it took everyone by surprise. The woman was cut in half and the toddler was only partially decapitated, because she kept on screaming until someone finished the job or shock killed her.
I was next, so I got in the cart. I could see my reflection in a puddle on the floor. They asked me for my name and why I did what I did. I started to say "Rachel—I mean, Amanda Joy Norman. I did it because all I wanted was God. I'm going to Him now."
I closed my eyes and waited, but curiosity got the better of me and my eyes were open when the blade fell. I didn't see it happen, but the world dipped and lurched and my mind went sort of foggy. There was a sound like rushing air in a plane that's taking off almost, or static. I think someone said that my body jolted up in the air and kept moving for a while after, and that "wasn't a good sign".
I think I remember and earlier part of the dream where I was in a hotel room with a boy who was supposed to be my older brother (I don't have an older brother, much less one with blonde hair and blue eyes). We were forced to stay there, and the brother was losing control of himself. His sanity was slipping, it was obvious just by the way he was talking. I think he was afraid that because we had only one bed, he would try to rape me or something. So we both tried to stay awake and were sitting around playing board games. I don't remember that part too well, but it felt like whoever was keeping us there wanted something bad to happen.

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