August 12, 2018

13 0 0

Last night I dreamed I was attending a class taught by Jordan Peterson. And I know it was supposed to literally be him and not just "we need a teacher figure, I know Peterson is a professor so let's use him like a stock photo", because someone made a joke about him sounding like Kermit the Frog. It was our first day and it was Halloween so everyone was dressed up in weird costumes. Anyway, all the other students were people I went to high school with, including this girl who was nice to me named Ysenia and my best friend Jane. The two of them were feuding because Jane thought Ysenia was trying to steal her new boyfriend. She was calling her a "thot bitch" just like in real life with her other friend.
At some point I got up because I was tired of all the drama and moved to a row of guys dressed like tacky vampires. I think I was role playing as Jane's sister, because one of the vamps said "get away from your sisters, spend some time with your uncles" or something and I just went along with it. (I was dressed like a ghoul and was reusing that old white nightgown.) Everyone had gotten a packet to fill out specific to them, and I was taking forever to get through the questions because I was so distracted. At one point I started talking to this black girl who liked John Mark McMillan, which surprised me because I thought I was the only person in a two thousand mile radius who knew who he was.
Some issue came up where no one knew what I looked like because I hadn't provided a profile picture, so they found a photo online that I had never seen before. Jordan Peterson wanted to know the story behind this picture and had printed it out in color and put it in my packet. I knew it was from a ceremony for my writing but something was off about it. The shirt in the picture was a dark blue silk shirt, and it was very masculine; I owned no such shirt, and overall it looked like someone had copy-pasted my head on someone else's body.
The classroom was very small and cramped with no desks, only rows of chairs.

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