January 10, 2020

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I had a dream last night that J and I went to this weirdly constructed house. There was an upstairs, but all the rooms on the second floor had no walls; it was more like bunk beds almost, since they were surrounded by railings and had little more than mattresses inside.
While we were there, her grandfather showed up. In real life, her grandfather recently died of cancer. He seemed very cheerful and in a better mood than I ever saw him in, laughing and telling jokes. He seemed to chastise me about something though. I'm debating whether or not I should tell J about it, since we haven't been getting along lately and I haven't spoken to her in weeks.

I also dreamed about a Romeo and Juliet type story. There was a mixup and the Romeo family thought the Juliet was going after this dorky cousin, because he tried to leave the party shortly before she tried to enter. But it turned out that another guy who was already married was the Romeo, and they figured out it was him because when he ran away with her, he took one of his childhood toys with him (if he'd been abducted he wouldn't have had time or the incentive to do that; he was keeping it as something their future children could have).

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