April 6, 2018

14 0 0

God what a nightmare.
I was a college student at a university and staying in a dorm. I must have just started, because I had brand new clothes sitting on shelves with the tags still on them.
These three people, two guys and a girl, showed up. The two guys and my roommate were talking amongst themselves but the girl came into my area and started talking to me. She told me her name was Victoria and she had bleached blonde hair and a leather jacket.
At some point she started asking me why I had all these new nice clothes that I didn't wear, why I just stayed in my dorm and didn't go out partying, etc. Sort of like she was trying to make me feel bad.
I was a little embarrassed and weirded out, but I told her I was only there to waste time until I finished my first novel, and all I cared about was writing.
(This is almost identical to a conversation I had with my best friend not too long ago.)
Victoria looked at me in disbelief but seemed to shrug it off. She noticed that I was wearing a pair of jeans with a golden pattern along the sides of the legs, and said she had that same pair of jeans. But she had put glitter on the pattern to make it brighter. She poured some on mine, and I liked the effect so I went along with it even though I was starting to get uncomfortable.
At some point I was lying on the bed and she sat down next to me and started to put her head on my chest, mumbling about how she was tired. Then she tried to kiss me.
I sat up and tried to push her off, but she grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go. I started screaming and struggling.
The two guys came in, but they just stood there and watched. She looked back at them, and I shoved her off. I started cursing at them and told them to get out. One of the guys had this look on his face like he was going to get revenge. He looked like David Hogg, the poster child for the March For Our Lives campaign.
Sometime later I went to see a movie with my parents and brother. It was at this weird mall where there were tons of secret doors leading from one place to the next. Next door there was a diner type restaurant, and we ate dinner there, which is why I had a styrofoam container with leftovers.
We saw the movie, which I didn't like, and as we were leaving I suddenly realized I was barefoot. I'd worn my favorite pair of old, worn out flip flops and somehow they must have fallen off my feet and been left inside the theater.
I rushed back in to get them and somehow concluded that the two college guys had been following us and listening to our conversation. Sure enough, they were sitting in the movie theater, and one of them was wearing my flip flops. I was less angry about them stealing the shoes and more furious that they had followed me and eavesdropped on conversations with my own family.
I hit them both in the head with the styrofoam container, which was somehow hard enough not to crumple and also to literally split their heads open. I panicked, grabbed my shoes and ran out, taking various secret doors back through the restaurant as a shortcut and to throw them off my trail. Katie Holmes was a waitress there, because my mom has been watching Dawson's Creek lately and I keep seeing her on TV.
Eventually I reached the parking lot and ran to the car. My brother was taking up the entire backseat and I screamed at him to move so I could get in. The two guys somehow had gotten to their car, which was right next to ours, first.
We drove away and they followed us home. I said something to my parents about it and they blew me off. I knew I couldn't call the police and report them because I had attacked them and I would be the one charged.
We got home and I went into my room. I heard another car pull up and started to walk toward the door.
Then my dad came in my bedroom and woke me up.

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