August 12, 2020

8 1 0

I don't know where I was, I think it might've been a school, but it didn't look like a school at the start. It looked more like an airport or train terminal. I was waiting in a line, when I turned and saw B in another line wearing a disguise (dark hair and glasses; some kind of mask). I don't remember how I knew it was him, but I cut across the lines to reach him, grabbed him and started kissing him. He didn't really react to it. I think he was using it as a diversion/way to hide his disguise.
Somebody spotted us (?) or we just had to leave. We were running away through a window, climbing down this stockpile of building materials, and he stopped suddenly near the bottom. I was scared he had gotten hurt (broken his leg) and asked his if he was okay. Whoever was chasing us was gaining on us, so we kept going.
We ran through this empty lot behind the building where there were all these building materials. At that point we had both turned into children. We made it inside this building that was a museum about Buddhism/Asian culture, and we were joking around, all elated and exhilarated from our escape. Then this Asian woman who worked there saw us and asked us why we weren't in school and where our parents were. B gave a lousy but confident sounding excuse. She was not fooled, so I said we had come there to learn more about Buddhism. The lady started rambling about it. That's the last thing I remember before waking.

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