May 30, 2024

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I dreamt that my dad took my brother and I on some sort of trip. We were driving and we passed through a very large, very elaborate open air market. They were selling old fashioned dresses, which were hanging on display out in the open. I thought this was strange and made a comment to Dad about how the clothes (most of which were white) would get dirty from being outside.

We stopped to check out the market. As we were wandering through this maze (it felt almost like a mall, but with no roof and only occasional walls) my brother found a Choose Your Own Adventure book involving the X-Men. He started reading it. As he read, I was able to see the events in the book as if I were experiencing them.

The members of the X-Men had somehow become stuck in another time period. They were trying to get back to their own time, but weren't sure how to do it. They met a stranger who seemed kind and wanted to help them. He asked them to explain their problem. Although he knew it was a bad idea to tell this stranger about them, my brother had Professor X reveal everything to them. The stranger turned out to be some sort of evil being, who proceeded to imprison the X-Men and possessed the body of Nightcrawler. (My favorite of the X-Men.)

My brother chose increasingly sadistic routes. The villain taunted and tormented each member of the group, until my brother had one of the women (I think it may have been Rogue?) beg him to just kill them. He acquiesced, causing the group to suffer a slow death. Realizing her mistake, Rogue tried to reason with him, pointing out that Nightcrawler was a member of their group, and wouldn't he lose control of his body if he died? The villain said no, Nightcrawler would die but he would have his body.

Back in the real world, my mother arrived to join us. I tried to tell her that Luke had made the worst, most sadistic choices in the book, but she kept walking away to other parts of the market. I could get a sentence out at a time before she would move out of earshot, and I would have to follow her. I was getting exasperated, but managed to finish recounting most of the story. She didn't care.

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