September 18, 2023

4 1 0

I was in some sort of school or college. I was in my underwear and bra for whatever reason, and couldn't find the right classroom. I walked through a door and found myself in a classroom full of small children. I blurted out "Oh shit!" without thinking, and the kids went nuts.

I kept wandering around the school. Eventually I stumbled across a cafe/food stand. The food they were serving was bizarre looking, like warped versions of foods: a sandwich with the bread on the inside and the vegetables where the bread should be, for example, or upside down soup. They were about to close, and I couldn't figure out what I wanted. The cashier walked away from me, (he looked like a cross between Lee Pace and Cillian Murphy) and while he wasn't looking I took some Pringles and chocolate Pocky containers. I at least knew what those were.

I walked away. I was wearing house slippers, so my feet were slipping on the smooth floor and I couldn't run. I took off the slippers so I could walk faster and get away with my stolen goods, but then my legs felt weak and I couldn't go fast. I don't remember the rest of the dream. 

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