Chapter 3: Leaving A Life Behind

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Gabby was laying against the ambo. Matt slowly stood up and saw Kelly standing there yelling. Matt had blood dropping down his face.

"Gabby!" cried Matt.

Kelly walked over to Matt and they started walking slowly. Then they saw the horrific sight. Gabby had blood dropping from her head, a chunk of metal from the bomb in her abdomen. She was unconscious and bleeding profusely.


Matt woke up in a cold sweat. He got up and hopped in the shower, leaving Gabby to sleep.

Eventually everyone in the Casey house was ready. The kids took the bus and Matt and Gabby left for work. Kelly was sitting at the firehouse, cleary frustrated.

"Kelly, what's up? How's Regan?"

"Corin is a mess. I haven't been updated on Regan. It's just a lot of stress"

"Regan is strong"

"We all know that. But Corin can't handle another loss. None of us can, especially around this time. So many bad things have happened to this family, it can't take much more"

"You and Corin alone have been through so much. But your right. We all need her to pull through"

"Yeah. How are you doing anyway? With this week I mean"

"I had a break down last night but I'm fine. It's just hard you know? We were all hurt that day and we all lost a small part of us"

"I just wish it never happened. Things would be different"

"They would be. I would have another child right now. But that day changed us for the good and bad. Yes, it was mostly bad because of all the pain, scars and loss. But it was also good, it taught us to be with are family more because we don't know when your time is up"

Skylar was running around the house in a hurry. She had five minutes till the bus got here. She had no choice but to leave Ana with Kristen then they could ride the bus together.

"Kirsten you have to help Ana if she needs anything. Both of you better be on the bus because I told the school to call me if either of you don't show up. Got it?"

"I got it Skye. Jeez chill" said Kristen.

Ana sat on the couch and nodded. The bus pulled up, Skye said goodbye and then ran out to the bus. She was planning on having a good day.

Corin walked into the district a wide smiled on her face. She sat down at her desk and pulled out her paperwork. Jay looked at her curious.

"She's fine. She just hermeraged during pregnancy. She is actually being discharged tomorrow night and so is Dylan. I am so releaved"

Jay smiled and hugged Corin. They were both excited that their friend was okay. They worked all day.

Justin was sitting in the chair next to Regan's bed. She barley sat up smiling in bed. She had Dylan her arms smiling down at her.

"She has your beautiful eyes" smiled Justin.

"Our daughter is beautiful. I love her already"

"I'm so happy your okay. Both of you. I couldn't imagine my life without you and then Dylan growing up without a mother"

"I promise, I'm not going anywhere. I love you too much for that. And I love our little girl"

They smiled and kissed each other. It was a beautiful sight. They were completely happy together.

Skylar sat down at lunch with Carly, Carson, and Katie with her. They all day around talking and eating.

"So did you get the call from your mom?" asked Katie.

"Yeah. Aunt Regan is okay. I am so happy. And their little girl Dylan is healthy. Everything is finally falling into place" smiled Skylar

"That's good. Your mom must be so happy. Your Uncle Jay too" said Carly.

"They are. I can go back to being a teen. Which means I can worry about you that football player was" said Skylar.

Carson tensed up and Carly quick glanced at him.

"Hey you think having to be in charge for two whole days is rough. Try living with our mom. Her being a teacher she wants to know every single thing about are school day. It's ridiculous" explained Carly.

"It's true" smiled Carson.

"At least you have a normal family dynamic. I mean I love the strange family I have but it's a little lonley sometimes. I look nothing like my half-siblings. The only things I got from my mom are her body type and her smile. Everything else about me is my dad and has gone" said Katie.

"That got deep quick. I'm sorry Katie. I didn't mean it like that" said Skylar.

The ball rang and they all headed to there classes. Katie had a lot on her mind as she stepped into her 6th hour Honors English class. She was under a lot of stress latley.

After school Skylar sat outside with the guys practicing football. She did all her homework while watching the guys.

The big game wass in a few days and she was so excited! She was wearing Owen's jersey to school and the game. The guys have black jerseys with white and red numbers for home games. Then they have white jerseys with black and red numbers on them for away games. Since it was a home game Skylar was wearing the white jersey.

Owen and Skylar drove off in the car and headed for the Severide household. Skylar had a smile on her face as the wind blew her hair around.

"You did good at practice today"

"Why thank you. I am pretty awesome"

Skylar laughed and tucked her cellphone into her pocket. After a few minutes they pulled up to Skylar's home. They saw Kelly's car pulled into the driveway. Owen picked up something a three of at her. Skye unballed it to see it was the white jersey.

"Don't loose it. It's to wear on Friday"

"Thank you Owen"

They said goodbye and Skye headed inside. Kelly was starting dinner and getting it all set up. Corin called to say she was gonna be home late so they all ate.

"Bed! It's curfew so I expect all your butts in bed... now" ordered Kelly.

Kristen and Cass were both already asleep. Alex and Skylar said goodnight and went to go upstairs.

"Skye. Come here for a second"

Alex kept walking upstairs while Skye turned around a walked towards Kelly.

"Thank you baby girl for taking care of your siblings and Ana. I appreciate it so much"

"Of course dad. I love em"

Skylar bounded upstairs a smile on her face. Kelly sat down on the couch and clicked on the tv while he waited for Corin to get home.

It was an hour later when Corin finally walked in the door. She had a few tears in her eyes. She set down her jacket as Kelly looked at her.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" asked a concerned Kelly.

"I got a call, from my captain in the Marines. He was in charge of my unit"

"Corin what happened?"

"A special case has popped up. They are over in Afghanistan fighting a war and one the the soldiers, who is also one of my best friends was kidnapped"


"So they asked me if I would come out of my retirement from the Marines and do one last tour, to get her back"

"Can't they do it without you? We have the kids and each other. It would flip our whole life upside down and it would be putting you in direct danger. I mean we can talk and think about it but-"

Kelly was cut off by Corin.

"I already took the job. I leave Saturday"

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