Chapter 18: Remembering the Pieces

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It was pure chaos at Chicago Med. Firefighters were being wheeled around, all injured. Gabby, Cruz, and Sylvie all sat in the waiting room. Gabby head her head in her hands, her eyes full of tears. Sylvie sat next to her, rubbing her back.

"Gabby you wanna here some good news?" asked Sylvie, whispering.

"Please. I need something to keep my mind off of Matt," whimpered Gabby.

"I'm five months pregnant."

They hugged and Gabby congratulated her. Just then Antonio came in with Louie in his arms. Gabby grinned at the sight of her brother and her son.
She ran up to Antonio, him wrapping her in a hug.

"Hey Little sis. How you doing?" asked Antonio as Gabby took Louie into her arms.

"Just worried. Sylvie's been distracting me the best she could. She even caved about the pregnancy," grinned Gabby.

Sylvie punched her in the arm as she walked up, "Gabby!"

"It's okay Brett. He caved and told old me the day you told him," teased Gabby, causing Sylvie to smack Antonio in the arm.

"Ow. Thanks sis," joked Antonio.

Gabby sat down, cuddling and playing with Louie. Sylvie and Antonio sat together as Sylvie he leaned over to her. There was a depression set over the waiting room.

"Sylvie, what happened?"

"Gabby..." trailed Sylvie as she stared at the mess in front of her.

"Call for back up and request that we stay at the accident. Then call Boden," ordered Gabby.

Sylvie quickly did what she said before joining her to set up triage. They saw the squad truck laying flat on its side. The back door was kicked open, Capp and Tony emerging from the truck. They had cuts and bruises, but no serious injuries. Capp helped Cruz climb out through the passenger side window. That's when a startling realization hit them, Severide wasn't in the squad.

"Brett! Dawson!" called Capp, causing them to run over.

"Severide's missing," informed Cruz.

Sylvie was interrupted Violet running into the waiting room. Sylvie jumped up and wrapped Violet in a hug.

"W-Where is he? Is he okay?" questioned Violet through tears.

"Chase is fine. He has a concussion and he broke two ribs but otherwise he's okay. Dr. Halstead said you can go see him," explained Sylvie.

"Okay. Okay. What about Uncle Matt?"


"Matt!" screamed Gabby when she saw him.

Matt had been thrown through the windshield of the tuck. There was cuts all over him, blood coming from them. Gabby could feel the tears build up in her eyes. Sylvie run over to Matt, checking for a pulse. She found one, but it was weak. Other ambulances pulled up just as Matt began seizing. Two male paramedics came running over, holding Matt while sliding a backboard under him. They set him on the gurney, then loaded him into their ambulance. Sylvie tapped the door twice, signaling they good leave. Sylvie walked over to Gabby, placing a hand on her back.

"Hey, Gabby... Matt's gonna be okay. He's a strong guy. I know this is gonna sound harsh but we gotta save the rest of our guys," informed Sylvie, hoping to get through to her.

"You're right. We gotta take care of our guys and find Kelly," replied Gabby, wiping the tears from her face.

The side door of Truck 81 opened, Hermann climbing out. Gabby and Sylvie helped him out of the truck. He only had a few cuts and maybe a broken nose.

"Mouch's eye looks pretty bad. He banged it on the point of something. Severide, I mean Chase is banged up too. Think he might have a concussion," stated Herrmann, wiping dried blood off his face.

"Hermann, what the hell happened?" asked Sylvie.

"The breaks went out. Otis started yelling and then we collided. I saw Matt go threw the windshield. How bad is squad?" asked Herrmann, worried.

"The three guys are fine but... Kelly's missing," sadly informed Gabby.

"My god," breathed Herrmann.

Capp and Tony came over holding the jaws of life. Two paramedics followed them with a gurney and a backboard. Otis was trapped in the front seat, blood coating him. Him and Matt had taken the worst of jt. Capp pried the doors open, then yanked back the door. Sylvie slipped in and placed a C-collar on him before the paramedics pulled him out. His leg was demolished, he had a chunk of metal in his stomach, and there was blood down the side of his face. He barely had a pulse. The paramedics rushed him away. Herrmann, Capp, and Tony helped Chase out, then Mouch. They had the two of them sit in one ambulance, heading to Chicago Med. Cruz came running over, panting for breath.

"I found Severide!" panted Cruz.

Corin woke up to the sound of her cellphone. She looked around the empty firehouse, then checked the clock. She had been asleep for three hours. She turned on her phone to see 20 mixed texts from Gabby, 10 texts from Sylvie, 5 missed calls from Jay, and a few texts from Antonio.

"Did the world freaking blow up?!" said Corin to herself, realizing no one was around.

She checked her text messages and that's when she saw it. They were all talking about Kelly being hurt pretty badly along with Matt, Chase, Otis, and Mouch. Her mind was racing as panic flooded her body. She texted Rhodes, knowing with all of this going on he would be busy but it was worth a shot. A minute after she sent her text, Rhodes was calling her.

"Hello?" asked Corin.

"Corin. It's Connor. Sorry if I sound distant, I'm in surgery so you're on speaker," responded Connor Rhodes.

"Connor... is it Kelly?"

Rhodes looked down, his hand was inside of Kelly's abdomen, trying to stop his internal bleeding.

"Yeah. He's banged up pretty bad Corin. You should probably get down here. Oh and call Skye."

"Oh God! We can't ever catch a damn break! Do you mind if I have the twins come here with her? Carson and Carly seem to be able to calm her down when I can't."

"Of course. Natalie already offered up Owen to bring them here. Oh and uh Jeff Clarke already called Crystal so she's on her way."

"Yeah their dating or whatever. Thank you Rhodes... foreverything."

"I'm always gonna be here for you."

With that Corin hung up, heading to Chicago Med.

"I found Severide!" cried Cruz, getting everyone's attention.

They sprinted after Cruz, Gabby pushing the gurney and backboard. That's when they saw it, Kelly laying on the ground covered in cuts and he was out cold. Gabby and Sylvie wrapped a c-collar around his neck before sliding him on a backboard. Gabby could immediately tell his femur was broken. Together they were able to lift him onto the gurney, hurrying him to the ambulance.

"Guys we gotta hit him to the hospital now. Boden just pulled up, get a ride with him," informed Gabby right before Sylvie slammed the ambulance doors shut, running to the driver's seat.

She took off while Gabby worked on Kelly in the back. He was slowly declining in then it was a sudden flatline.

"Don't leave me Kelly... not not, not yet."

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