Chapter 23: Loving Her

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Skylar woke up in her dad's arms. She looked around to see the hospital room was dark. Peeking over at her dad's face she saw he was awake.

"Dad?' asked Skye, a bit confused.

"You're finally awake. What's up sweetie?" asked Kelly as he turned his head to face her.

"What do you mean 'finally awake'? How long was I asleep?"

"You got here Thursday afternoon and it's Friday night baby girl. Did you sleep while I was in the hospital?"

"Not really. I was too worried."

"That's not healthy for you. It's a good thing you at least slept now then. Especially since your mom is on her way to pick us up "

"She's back from Minnesota?"

"Yeah got back this morning with your little sister, Belle. She'll be her any minute now."

"Oh okay! I'm actually excited to meet her, I like little kids. I'll get your wheel chair from Jeff."

"Thanks baby girl."

Skylar left the room and Kelly let out a groan. Even with the pain meds he was still in a little bit of pain. Skylar returned to the room with Jeff, who was pushing a wheelchair.

"Alright Kelly. Before you go I have to read you all this information. Then you sign the discharge papers," explained Clarke.

"Got it," said Kelly as Skylar sat down in the empty chair.

"You are to keep the leg cast on at all times until your appointment in six weeks to get it removed. For the first few days at home you're on strict bedrest and to drink lots of fluids. Your pain meds along with the prescription are in your bag, follow the directions on those. You are to refrain from sexual intercourse until your doctor tells you otherwise do to your bruised pelvis. You are not to walk, you must use your wheelchair. You have the right to ignore all of this guy doing so will not let you heal. Do you understand?" asked Jeff, reciting his clipboard.

"Yes I do," replied Kelly with a sigh.

Jeff handed him the clipboard to sign the discharge sheet. Kelly quickly signed it then handed it back. Jeff got on one side of Kelly while Skye got on the other side. They hoisted Kelly up and put him in the wheelchair. Skye exhaled dramatically causing the two men to laugh.

"Jeez dad your heavier then you look!" cried Skylar.

"Muscle sweetheart, muscle," replied Kelly with a grin.

"Yeah. Your dad and his muscles are pretty hot," smirked Corin from the doorway.

Kelly, Skye, and Jeff all looked at her. She had a little girl standing next to her, clinging to her leg. Skye waved at the little girl and she waved back.

"Hi!" cooed Skylar.

"Belle, that's your sister Skylar. And that guy," began Corin as she pointed at Kelly, "that guy is your daddy. He's super nice."

"Hi sweetie," waved Kelly in a soft voice.

"Hi daddy," cutely said the little girl.

"And that tall guy is Jeff. He's mommy and daddy's friend," softly said Corin as she picked up Belle.

"Hey Belle!" smiled Jeff as he held out his hand for a high five.

Belle smiled and high fived him. Everybody broke into laughter. Corin shifted Belle as she turned to face Kelly and Skylar.

"So is my smart, sleep deprived daughter and my hot, accident prone husband ready to go?" teased Corin with a smile playing on her lips.

"Yes my open legged mother," teased back Skye.

"Skylar Severide!" cried Corin, partially smiling, "I get that you were joking but watch it."

Skylar smiled and nodded as she pushed Kelly's wheelchair. Corin walked next to them, still holding Belle in her arms. Corin loaded Kelly into the car while Skye took care of buckling Belle. Eventually everyone was in the car and they were headed home.

"Oh uh if you didn't mind I was gonna have my side of the family over tonight. You know to celebrate your discharge and Belle's adoption. What do you think?" Corin asked Kelly as she drove.

"Sounds fun! I won't be much help though since I'm restricted to that stupid wheel chair," replied an irritated Kelly.

"Relax babe. You can sit on the couch and watch the Blackhawks. I'm sure Skye won't mind keeping an eye on Belle while I get some groceries and then cook," suggested Corin.

"I'll watch her! She's so cute!" grinned Skye.

A smile crept across Corin's face at her words. She felt a hand grasp hers and then felt someone drawing circles in her palm with their thumb. Corin looked up, still smiling to see Kelly grinning back at her.

"I love you, you know that?" cooed Kelly.

"I love you too."

Kelly kissed her hand as she pulled the car into the driveway. Skye brought Belle inside while Corin got Kelly's stroller out of the trunk. She set it next to the car and helped Kelly into it. Once he was sitting she shut the car door and pushed him in the house.

"Alright I'm gonna set you up on the couch. I'll get you a beer and then I'm running to the store to pick up a few things for dinner," explained Corin as she helped Kelly onto the couch.

"Sounds good. I guess Skye's already taking care of Belle," chuckled Kelly as Corin dug in the fridge for a beer.

"Yeah. I'm glad they get along. Once I found out I thought this was gonna put a wedge between you and me and then the kids. I-"

"Corin, I love you. You're the love of my life. I mean I love you so much I'm marrying you twice!" Kelly was momentarily interrupted by Corin chuckling, "My point is, nothing is gonna change the fact that I love you. We've been married for 15 years and I'm not turning back now. The kids love you too, they brag about you. When Erin dropped by to check on my she told me Skye couldn't stop bragging at the district because you exploded at her principle. It may have been crazy but it was hot to me and it worked! Skye is off suspension and will resume class on Monday. So give yourself a break baby and stop worrying."

"Damn do I love you," replied Corin through tears.

Kelly pulled her to him and kissed her. She couldn't be happier to have him back.

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