Chapter 39: The Feeling of Love

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Juliana woke up to the annoying sound of her alarm. She groaned as she placed her hands on her baby belly. She was carrying big;  she was huge for only being 5 months pregnant. Juliana pushed herself out of bed, examining herself in the mirror. She had on one of her dad's baggy shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. There was a knock on the door before it  opened. Juliana turned to see Adam standing in the doorway.

"Hey, I heard your alarm. Everything okay?" asked Adam, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah I just set it for a time measurement thing," sighed Juliana, seeing Adam looking confused, "I've been having this slight pain in my lower stomach that comes and goes. It's more uncomfortable then anything."

"God of course this happens when your mother is on Jonathan and Danny's camping trip!" huffed a worried Adam, face full of concern.

"She'll be back by nine dad. Today's my baby shower remember? She'll be home in the four hours. It's probably nothing, it just scares me a little."

"Well I'm gonna call Natalie and see if she can give you a last minute altrasound. You can get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs."

Adam planted a kiss on her forehead before leaving, shutting the door behind him. Juliana smiled at her baby belly, praying everything was okay. She turned to her closet to grab a pair of her stretchy yoga pants and a maternity shirt that showed off her baby belly. Then she threw on one of Adam's hoodies and slipped on a pair of sneakers.

Downstairs Adam had just finished his phone call with Natalie. He had already changed and was slipping on his shoes when Juliana came walking down the steps. Katie was sitting on the couch, completely dressed and ready to go. Juliana turned and smiled when she saw Katie sitting there waiting. She loved Katie, but always worried she resented her because Juliana has her father and Katie doesn't.

"Katie, are you coming with?" asked Juliana, slightly surprised.

"Of course, you're my sister. That's my little niece or nephew in there, I want them to be safe. Plus you look like you could use some sisterly support in there," smiled Katie as she stood up.

"Thanks Katie. You're the best little sister a girl could ask for."

Adam smiled as the two girls walked out the front door. Adam got in the driver's seat while Juliana and Katie both climbed in the back. Juliana loudly exhaled, clearly worried. Katie noticed and grabbed her sister's hand, locking eyes with her. Katie didn't need words to calm Juliana, just that gesture was enough.

A few miles away Eva was saying goodbye to her baby girl. She had been back at work for two months now and was loving being an officer, but she missed her little girl everytime she was away from her.

"Eva, baby, I love you, but you need to leave. Luna and I are gonna be just fine. Believe it or not, I am her father," teased Eva's  husband Nick as he sat on the couch with Luna in his arms.

"I know it's just I usually drop her off at daycare and she's sick. I just feel bad leaving her. I don't wanna be a bad mom like my mom was," admitted Eva from her spot on he couch.

"Babe, you're nothing like you're mother. She's horrific and there's a reason your dad left her. You're an amazing wife and an even better mom. Luna and I are both lucky to have you. Now get your butt to work. I got our little girl," lovingly comforted Nick.

"Nicholas, I love you so damn much you know that?" chuckled Eva before kissed him and Luna goodbye, "I'll be back after shift. Love you guys!"

"Love you baby! Stay safe!" called Nick as she walked out the door.

He looked down at Luna and smiled. Suddenly the silence was broken by a phone ringing. Nick pulled out his cell phone only to see that Antonio was calling him.

"Hey Antonio! What's up?" asked Nick as he answered the call.

"Just calling to see if you were able to get my daughter out the door," laughed Antonio.

"I love Eva, but sometimes she's a pain in the ass."

"Trust me I know. She's lucky to have a guy like you."

"No, I'm lucky to have her. She gave me a beautiful daughter whose now my everything. Her and Luna mean the world to me. I honestly don't know what I would do if I lost either of them. Thank you for blessing my life with your daughter" admitted Nick, cradling Luna in his arms.

"I knew I made the right decision when I gave you my blessing," complimented Antonio, happy.

Over at Chicago Med, Natalie was walking down the hallway with Will, argueing. Natalie rolled her eyes clearly annoyed with Will.

"Will! It doesn't matter! It's Owen's choice and he'll do it whether we like it or not," admitted Natalie as she grabbed her next patient's chart.

"I just don't get it!" argued Will.

"And you never will. Jeff was in the Army and he died fighting. Owen is honoring his father by doing this Will. Sure it scares me, but I get it."

With that Natalie walked away, heading into the waiting room. She saw Adam sitting with Katie and Juliana. She walked up to them a smile on her face.

"Hey guys! Juliana I have an exam room set up for you. I can let you have one other person in the room with you," explained Natalie.

"Katie can you....," trailed Juliana, hoping she would come with.

"Of course," smiled Katie as she got up.

Katie and Juliana followed Natalie to an empty exam room. Katie stood next to Juliana as she laid on the table. Juliana sighed, worried.

"I'm gonna go grab the gel it's not on the cart. I'll be right back," informed Natalie before walking out of the room.

"Katie I'm scared," admitted Juliana, nervous.

"I know," paused Katie, grabbing Juliana's hand, "Everything is gonna be okay. You just gotta relax. I'm here for you."

The door opened and Natalie walked back in. She set up the machine and placed the gel in Juliana's stomach. The heart beat of the baby filled the room causing Juliana to relax a bit.

"Juliana, everything is normal. That poking thing you're feeling, that's the baby kicking. Sweetie, that's a good thing," explained Natalie in a sweet voice.

"It's kicking?" asked Juliana, smiling.

"Yes sweetie. Do you wanna know the sex?"


"Congratulations, it's a boy."

Juliana teared up, a few tears trickling down her face. Katie squeezed her hand, holding back tears of her own. Juliana could not believe how happy she felt.

"I'm having a little boy."


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