Chapter 17: All's Fair in Love and War

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Corin woke up, laying on Kelly's chest. She let his warm body hold her tight as she pressed a kiss to his lips. His arms pulling her into him. The kids had gotten up early and headed off to school, it was just them. Kelly flipped Corin over, laughing. She could tell it was gonna be a fun day.

Miles away at the high school, Skylar plopped down at her table for lunch. She was tired but excited for tonight. Her friend Freya was throwing a party tonight, Skylar figured she could go because it was a Friday night. Sitting around the table was Carly, Katie, Freya, and Emmy. Emmy was the daughter of the deceased Julie Willhite and the neurosurgeon, Alec Willhite.

"So you're all coming tonight right?" grinned Freya as she popped open her water.

"Yeah my dad's working the night shift so Carson and I are good to go," stated Carly, prying open a granola bar.

"Same," called Emmy, eating her corn.

"My mom wants me to get out more so I'm in," replied Katie, pushing her food around her plate.

"What about you Skye?" asked Carly before taking a bite of her food.

"I should be able to go. My parents had the day off today so they'll be in a good mood. I'll just say I'm hanging out with Owen," stated Skylar, used to being sneaky.

"Perfect," replied Freya.

"So, guess who has a crush?" asked Skylar, semi-blushing.

"Oh Skye! You never have crushes! Who is it?" cried Carly.

"Yeah tell us!" whined Freya.

"It's stupid. It's not like he likes me," stated Skye, looking down at her lunch.

"Hey, you don't know until you ask," calmly informed Katie, placing a hand on Skylar's arm.

"Fine, but it doesn't leave this table. Got it?" asked Skylar sternly.

They all nodded, making the signal that their lips were sealed. Skylar leaned forward, whispering who her crash was. Shocked looks fell on everyone's faces. Carly, was the only one who wasn't shocked. She had known all along, by the way Skylar acted around him and how she talked about him a little too much.

"I can't believe you like him?!" admitted Freya shocked.

"I mean your best friend's brother?" questioned Katie.

"I get it. I mean love is love," stated Emmy, sipping her water.

"Carly?" questioned Skylar nervously.

"Go for it girl. Don't ask me how I know this, but you've got a really good shot," smiled Carly.

"WAIT! Are you saying...?" trialed Skylar.

"Just, go for it," said Carly.

The girl's talked about the party and their plans for the weekend up until the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. Emmy and Katie headed towards Biology while Carly and Skye walked to their lockers. Skylar opened hers, a smile on her face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Skylar, confused.

"I didn't want to embarrass him. Plus, I kind of thought you knew, it's kinda obvious," explained Carly, pulling out her math book.

"I get that. It wouldn't be weird for you? I mean out of our entire friend group we're the closest. We're like sisters, so I don't wanna screw this up over a boy."

"Skye, you're like my sister girly. If you truly like my brother then I say date him. Just maybe don't be all gooey in front of me."

Skylar and Carly smiled, then hugged each other. Carson walked up, a smile on his face as well. He opened his locker, looking over at the girl's.

"What's with you two?" snickered Carson, shuffling things in his locker.

"Nothing. Hey, Carles is the cost clear?" asked Skylar, speaking in code.

"Yep," replied Carly once she saw no teachers around, turning back into her locker.

Skylar stepped forward and kissed Carson gently on the lips. When she pulled back Carson had a look of happiness and shock. Skylar stood there, a smile on her face.

"W-What was that?" stuttered Carson, staring at her.

"I like you Carson... and Carly suggested that maybe... you like me too," hopefully grinned Skylar.

"Skylar, would you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to."

"Well, I have to get to English before Mrs. Crowley yells at me again. She really has it out for me."

"Maybe because you never pay attention in class and can be kind of obnoxious."

"You know you think it's cute. But seriously I gotta go. I'll text you later, maybe we can hang out."


Carson gave her a peck on the cheek before heading to class. Carly had wondered back over to Skylar as they began walking to their math class. Carly teased her, elbowing her. Skylar's face turned a shade of pink as she nudged her friend back.

"So...?" asked Carly, waiting for an answer.

"He asked me out," admitted Skylar, a smile crossing her face.

"I'm happy for you too. You gonna tell your dad?"

"Hell no! I don't feel like dying today, thank you very much. As much as my dad likes Carson, he hates me dating. I wanna spare Carson from that for as long as possible."

Carly chuckled as the two of them walked into class, just wanting the school day to end. Over at the firehouse Kelly and Corin were sitting in his office. Kelly ended up getting called into work last minute so the two of them decided to talk at the firehouse. Kelly was sitting in his chair with Corin sitting in his lap.

"So this is it. This is our beautiful and simple wedding," cooed Corin, smiling as she laid her head on Kelly's shoulder.

"Yeah, the wedding at Navy Pier like you always wanted," grinned Kelly.

"Kelly, I know we never actually talked about my... break, but I want to apologize to you. I hurt you, the kids, and our friends. I'm grateful to have you in my life, you save me every day. I love you so much."

"I'm always gonna be here for you. True love always... right?"

Corin leaned forward and kissed Kelly. True love always was their phrase, the thing they said when they needed to remember how much they love each other. When Corin pulled away Kelly had a boyish grin on his face. Suddenly the bells went off, filling their ears.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. House fire. 24 North Shore Avenue

"Go save lives handsome," smirked Corin as she watched Kelly run out, still smiling.

Corin walked out and sat on the couch. She had to wait two hours to pick Kristen up from school so she figured she'd just hang out at the firehouse and rest. She closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile, the trucks were in route to the house fire. Out of no where Squad's truck was rammed into by Truck 81. Squad fell over on impact, metal crushing and glass shattering. Gabby stopped driving dead in her tracks, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. There were people thrown around and smoke rising from the trucks. Sylvie and Gabby both knew this wasn't gonna go well.

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