Chapter 35: Why?

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Erin looked at Jay, knowing she had to confess her secret. Jay had found Skylar's suicide note and gave it to Kelly. Erin squeezed Jay's hand to get his attention.

"Jay, I gotta tell you something," quietly said Erin, examining Jay's grim look.

"Everything okay?" asked Jay, studying his wife's face.

"It' about Skylar. The day of the vow renewal when she had her freak out, I lied to you about why she had it," Erin paused before continuing, "she was sexually assualted in the boy's locker room while Carson was working with the coach by two boys."

"Why didn't you say anything?" demanded Jay as he let go of her hand.

"She asked me not to say anything. I thought she would come to me when she's was ready... I-I didn't think she'd do this!"

Erin began to cry as Jay pulled her to him. He rubbed her back, understanding the guilt she must be feeling. When her crying quieted he lifted her chin so she looked him in the eyes.

"Babe, this isn't your fault. You were doing what you lot was best," soothed Jay.

"I'm a cop! I should have noticed the signs that she was pain clouding," cried Erin.

"It's not your fault. It's the two bastards that assualted her. When I catch those guys, there gonna be swimming in the bottom of Lake Michigan."

Just then Rhodes came out looking tired. Everyone looked up at him, expecting the worse. Connor walked over so he was standing on between a sleeping Corin and Jay.

"Skylar pulled through. She lost a lot of blood but we were able to save her and permanently stitch up her wrists. She will have scars there. Skylar is in her room now if you'd like to see her, but before you do Dr. Charles needs to speak with you and Corin," informed Dr. Rhodes.

Kelly sighed in relief as well as Jay and Erin. Connor nodded and then walked over to his son in the corner. Carson had moved ot slept since he sat there. Connor sat down next to him, placing his hand on Carson's knee.

"Carson she's alive. She's gonna be okay," said Connor, attempting to get Carson to cheer up.

"She tried to kill herself dad. Something bad had to have happened to make her think that was her only option. And whatever that bad thing was,  She didn't feel like she could tell me," spoke Carson, blaming himself.

"No one could have predicted this."

"You don't know that! When she flipped out at me the day of he vow renewal that was a sign! And I missed it. I'm part of the reason she tried to kill herself."

With that Carson stood up and walked over to Kelly. He was trying to wake up Corin without scaring her.

"Mr. Severide, can I please go see Skylar. I know you have to speak the Dr. Charles before you can see her and I understand if you wanna be the first once to talk to her. But this would mean a lot to me," admitted Carson.

"Go for it Carson, just be careful. Oh and call me Kelly," weakly smiled Kelly as he shook Carson's hand.

Kelly and Corin stood outside Skylar's room talking to Dr. Charles while Carson walked into the room. He sat down at her bedside and carefully held her hand. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, her body stirring.

"Hey beautiful," slightly smiled Carson as he kissed the back of her hand.

"You're here," whispered Skylar in a quiet voice.

"Of course I am. Skye, what did you do..."

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't take the pain anymore," admitted Skylar as she teared up.

"What happened?" sadly asked Carson.

"Brice and Jordan happened. Carson when you were working out and I was taking a nap they... they raped me."

"Skylar... why didn't you say anything?" asked Carson, sad for Skylar but mad at his supposed friends.

"They're your friends and I-I was afraid you'd leave me."

"I would NEVER leave you. I love you Skylar. And I'm gonna make sure Brice and Jordan rot in prison for the rest of there sorry lives."

Carson looked at Skylar to see a shocked look on her face. He couldn't figure out way she was so surprised.

"You said you love me," smiled Skylar, clueing in Carson, "we've never said that before."

"I mean I do. It's okay if you don't it feel the same."

"Carson, I love you too."

They kissed as the three adults continued to talk outside. Dr. Charles explained to them how Skylar has to go through a psych evaluation in order to be released.

"And if I think that Skylar doesn't pose any immediate danger to herself or others I will release her back into your custody. That does mean that you have to watch her very closely. I'll elebarote more if we come to that bridge," explained Dr. Charles.

Corin and Kelly nodded before heading into Skylar's room. Corin looked up to see her parents, the sad looks on their faces bringing tears to her eyes. Carson stood up, giving Skylar one last kiss before stopping in the doorway.

"I'll be right outside beautiful," smiled Carson before exiting the room.

Kelly sat down in the chair Carson had vacated, holding her hand. Corin sat down next to Kelly, holding back tears.

"Baby girl...what happened?" asked Kelly, voice full saddness.

"It became too much," admitted Skylar through the tears, "I'm sorry dad."

"Oh sweet girl..."

Miles away Juliana and Kim were sitting on the couch across from Adam. Juliana knew it was time to tell her father, but she was scared. Kim squeezed her hand as Adam looked at them oddly.

"What's going on?" asked Adam, partially confused, partially concerned.

"Dad, don't be mad at me, please. Dad I'm pregnant," stated Juliana, a few tears falling down her face.

"What?!" yelled Adam as he stood up, angry.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I-"

"Who's the father?" demanded Adam.

"Daniel, but please daddy don't yell at him," begged Juliana as she began to cry.

"Adam, calm down," calmly advised Kim.

"I gotta get out of here," growled Adam as he grabbed his coat, slamming the door behind him.

Juliana leaned into Kim, crying. Kim stroked her hair, staring at the door. She knew Adam would come around, but right now he's hurting. Juliana just kept mumbling the same thing over and over into Kim's shoulder.

"Why? Why? Why?"

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