Chapter 24: Off You Go

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"But mom!" whined Juliana as she crossed her arms.

"Juliana Ruzek I'm not argueing with you anymore! You're going to summer camp and that's final! God you are so stubborn!" cried Kim as she threw another shirt in Juliana's suitcase.

"Where do you think I get it from?" sassed Juliana.

Kim just rolled her eyes and left the room, calling behind her, "You better be packed in the next half hour otherwise you won't live to see 17!"

Kim walked into the living room to see Adam sipping a beer on the couch.

"Seriously. It's noon," judged Kim as she sat down next to him.

"Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Plus these kids are diving me insane," replied an agitated Adam.

"Amen to that," said Kim before taking a sip of his beer.

"You think the other guys' kids are giving them such a hard time?"

Over at Justin and Regan's house Daniel was in a yelling match with Justin. Regan walked into the kitchen will Dylan in her arms.

"Thank you, both of you, for waking up the baby. She's teething, so she's not sleeping and when I finally get her to sleep you to start a pissing match!" growled Regan.

"Wait a minute! Was this her idea?" questioned Daniel as he pointed at Regan.

"She may have suggested it when she told me the other kids were all going," Justin paused as he saw Daniel scoff, "but that doesn't matter. She's as much as your mother as I am your father. Now you're going to camp, end of discussion. Unless you want me to sell your car," threatened Justin.

Daniel glared at his father and Regan before heading upstairs to pack. Juston walked over to Regan and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm sorry for waking the baby up. That kid is so difficult sometimes," apologized Justin.

"Because he's the spitting image of you, Justin. You acted the same, if not worse at that age," replied Regan as she walked over to the couch.

"I know. You're right. I love you," sweet talked Justin as he sat down next to her.

Regan chuckled as he pressed a kiss to her lips.

A few miles away at the Severide household Carson and Carly were sitting on the couch. Connor had dropped them off since Corin offered to drive them to camp.

"Mom, this is dumb," complained Cassandra as she dragged her suitcase.

"I don't care. You're going," replied Corin as she set a plate of food in front Belle.

"Stop complaining Cass . Make the best out of this or whatever that saying is. It's only for a few weeks," encouraged Skylar as she appeared next to Cass.

"You're only happy cause your boyfriends gonna be there," murmured Cass under her breathe.

Skye lightly smacked her in the arm before glaring at her. Carly turned around on the couch, facing the others.

"So whose all going?" asked Carly, looking at Corin.

"You guys, Will and Nat's kids, Owen's a counselor, Jay's kids, Ruzek kids, Juliana is a counselor, Daniel is a counselor, Casey kids, Capp and Cruz's daughter's are counselors, Jeff's son Spencer is a counselor, Choi's daughter, Lexi and Haley are counselors, Diego and Emmy are counselors, Sylvie's kids, Atwater's son, Leo Willhite, The three eldest Herrmann's, and April's son. So basically all of you are going," rattled Corin as she kicked.

"Cool! By Lexi you mean Olinksy's daughter right?" asked Skylar.

"Yeah she just turned 18," replied Corin.

"Yes! I love Lexi! She's so much fun," cheered Skylar, causing every one to laugh.

Kelly came down the stairs wearing his knee brace. He grunted as he sat down at the table next to Belle.

"One more week baby," cooed Corin as she spread butter on his toast.

"I know. I mean work hasn't been the same with this stupid thing. I just can't wait to be rid of it," responded Kelly as she placed his food in front of him.

"Relax babe. Is your son down being a pain in the ass?"

"Why is he always my son when he's being an ass?"

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree babe."

Kelly pretended to look offended as she dumped the dirty dishes in the sink. The kids laughed as Alex appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning Prince Charming. You ready?" teased Corin with her hands on her hips.

"Very funny mom. I'm ready to go," replied Alex with an irritated look.

"You finally realized that camps gonna be fun?"

"Well that and dad gave me 50 bucks to stop whining."

Corin turned and have Kelly s dirty look before putting her attention back on the kids. She ushered them into the car along with their luggage. Kelly gave her a thumbs up as she rolled her eyes at him.

Over at the Olinsky household all of Lexi's things were in boxes. Now that she was 18 she was leaving for college in the fall so she figured she'd pack. Alvin sat in the garage as he watched Lexi wheel her suitcase to her car. She looked over in his direction and smiled. He smiled back as he got up and headed towards her. Once he reached her, he enveloped her in a hug.

"Have fun Lex. Don't be dumb and please stay safe," lovingly lectured Al.

"I will dad. I love you," grinned Lexi.

"I love you too kiddo."

Lexi climbed into the car and drove off. Al turned back, looking at the garage where he lived. The whole point of living in that garage was so he could be close to Lexi, so now he knew he had to leave.

A few miles away Adam and Katie climbed into his car. She had her suitcase in the backseat. Kim had left a few minutes earlier to take the other kids to camp. Katie wanted to stop and see her dad before leaving for the summer, so Adam offered to take her there before taking her to camp.

As they pulled up to the graveyard Katie hopped out. She walked over to Sean's grave, gazing at dying blue rose she had set there a month earlier. She kneeled down in front of his grave stone placing three blue roses in front of her.

"Hey dad. I'm not gonna be here to visit you next month or the beginning of August so I figured I'd leave you three roses now. I miss you dad, especially now. I remember the summer when you took me to the zoo for the first time and you freaked out when you lost me for a moment. I had turned to go look at the flamingos and when you found me you wrapped me up in your arms. My feet were dangling and you kissed my forehead. Then to said 'Baby girl don't ever scare daddy like that again. I love you so much and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you baby girl.' I'll always remember that day," Katie paused to wipe some of the tears that were streaming down her face, "Anyway, I'm always gonna be your little girl. I know your watching over me everyday. I love you daddy."

Katie sat there, tears flowing down her pink cheeks. She felt a strong, familiar hand on her back. She turned to see Adam standing behind her, eyes full of sadness. Katie stood up and then crumbled into Adam's arm.

"I miss him so much!" cried Katie as she clung to Adam.

"I know sweetheart. I know you do."

When she was able to recooperate Adam and her got back in the car. She wiped her tears as Adam started the car. He turned to face her and held her hand. She stared up at him, smiling weakly.

"I know I can never replace your dad but your my daughter Katie. I'm always gonna be here for you. If you need to cry, cry on me. I love you sweetie."

"I love you too Adam. You're right you can't replace my biological dad, but you are my dad. I love you too."

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