Chapter 38: Getting Back to Normal

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Katie and Andrius sat on the couch in the living room of the Halstead house. Katie laid her head on his shoulder as a shiver ran down her spine. Andrius could tell she was cold, so he grabbed the blanket that was sitting behind him on the couch. He tossed it over the both of them, letting Katie cuddle into his side. The two of them were watching the movie Lemonade Mouth. Niether of them realized that Erin had come down stairs until she started making noise in the kitchen. Suddenly Arabella came down the stairs, yelling.

"Dad I'm a teenager! You can't keep treating me like a four year old!" yelled Arabella, Jay on her heels.

"As long as you live under my roof, you'll live by my rules!" growled an angry Jay.

"Fine! Then maybe I'll just leave. Then I won't be such a burden to you!" cried Arabell before running out the front door.

Jay growled and smashed his fists against the counter. Erin ran out the front door, chasing after Arabella. Katie and Andrius looked at each other, confused on what had just happened.

"Maybe I should-" began Katie before Andrius cut her off.

"We gotta get going if we're gonna get you to your cheer competition on time anyway. Let's go I'll swing by your house so you can grab your stuff and then we'll go," suggested Andrius.

"Sounds good. My family is busy with Juliana anyway."

Andrius and Katie said goodbye to Jay before getting back in Andrius' car. He headed towards Katie's house just as Erin got to Arabella. She sat down next to her weeping daughter, placing he hand on her back.

"Sweetie what's going on?" asked Erin, looking at her daughter.

"Dad doesn't love me anymore. Nothing I do is good enough for him and he's always mad at me. He hates me," cried Arabella, head in her hands.

"Arabella, your faher does not hate you. He loves you very much. He just wants the best for you so he pushes you sometimes. If that bothers you baby girl you gotta tell me or him. Because he loves you so much, that I know."

Arabella sighed and looked up at her mom. Erin smiled at her, causing Arabella to grin. Erin stood up and offered her hand to Arabella. She took it and pulled herself up.

"Now, you better go get ready for cheer before we're late. We can talk in the car," informed Erin ad Arabella ran up the stairs.

Erin walked into the kitchen where Jay was cradling his head in his palms. She placed his hand on his back, causing him to turn and face her.

"I don't know what to do anymore Erin," sighed Jay, exhausted.

"Jay she thinks you don't love her," explained Erin, gently.

"Of course I love her! She's my little girl."

"I know that and you know that, but she doesn't. When you push her I know you mean well but she feels like she can never meet your high standards."

"I'll talk to her when we get home from the competition."

"Thank you."

They kissed just as Arabella came downstairs, dressed in her cheer uniform. She had her cheer bag slung over her shoulder as an headed towards the door.

"We gotta go! Stop sucking face!" called Arabella as she walked out the front door.

Jay and Erin chuckled, heading out after her. They climbed in the car and Jay started driving towards the competition arena. Arabella plugged in her headphones and listen to her cheer warm up mix. Jay chuckled and placed his hand on top of his wife's.

"Hey, I know it's been crazy lately with everything going on with my sister and her kids. I've been there for her lately when I should be home with my family. I'm sorry," apologized Jay, feeling guilty.

"Jay, it's okay to be there for Corin or Will when things get hard in there lives, you're family. But there is such thing as spending too much time not being there for your family. I mean I get why your not here as often, but Arabella doesn't," lovingly explained Erin.

"I know. Corin and I talked last night and they're trying to get things back to normal for Skylar. Dr. Charles said it will help her heal."

"That and Carson," smiled Erin, "I will say, that boy good for her. Carson's been there through all the crap Skylar's been through. He must really care about her."

"Makes me feel kinda bad for threatening the kid," joked Jay.

"Oh god I forgot about that. You were so mad because you that someone had hurt your niece. Actually, once we diffused the situation I thought it was pretty sexy," teasingly smiled Erin as she trailed her fingers down Jay's arm.

He gulped as he pulled up to the competition building. Arabella hopped out of the car, running inside. Erin in buckled and leaned over, kissing Jay. When she pulled away she let her lips brush against his ear.

"Meet me in the bathroom in 20 minutes," whispered Erin before climbing out of the car.

Jay groaned, following his wife. He loved her, the way her hair shimmered in the sunlight, and the way her smile lights up a room. He watched his wife strut away, a wide grin on his face.

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