Chapter 10: Thankful For Us

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Corin woke up in Kelly's arms. She missed having his arms around her, holding her tight. She felt the warmth between the two of them. She slowly drifted back asleep. A few minutes later Kelly woke up and stared it his beautiful wife. He was her fast asleep and let a boyish grin spread across his face. He knew it was going to be a busy day for them all so he decided to let her sleep in. He pulled the blankets down and he saw the bruises on Corin's arm for the first time. Kelly continued to pull down the blankets as he saw all the other bruises on Corin's tan, fleshy skin. He shook his head, now saddened as he pulled the blankets back over Corin.

Today was Thanksgiving, and it was going to be stressful. They were having Jay and Erin with there kids, Will and Natalie with their kids and the whole firehouse family besides Hermann and Mouch. They were also having Antonio over and the Voight family. Then to top it all off, everyone was bringing their kids. The Severide house was going to be packed!

An hour later Corin woke up to the smell of a cooking turkey. She pulled the covers back then decided to get dressed. She pulled on her jeans and then slid on her white sweater with her red scarf. Finally she pulled on her hot leather boots, then headed downstairs. She saw Kelly in the kitchen pulling out land and ingredients.

"Hey babe" grinned Corin.

"Hey you. Damn you look good" smirked Kelly as he pulled Corin close to him by the hips.

"Why thank you"

Kelly kissed Corin and then they pulled apart. Kelly had a boyish grin plastered on his face. Corin's grin widened as she stepped back.

"So where's the kids?" asked Corin.

"Alex went over to hang out with Troy, Cass is upstairs with Brooke playing, Kristen is sitting on the couch over there and Skylar's up in her room"

"She's missed it. She just got out of being in rehab for 30 days. I get that. Well you are cooking right?"

"Yes because even though you are amazing at cooking Gabby is coming over to help me. People are gonna start getting here at two and we eat at four"

"That sounds perfect. This place is gonna be a mad house today. I was gonna go spend some time out with Regan I'll be back before people get here. I just don't want to leave you hanging"

"Babe, I'll be fine. Gabby and Matt are gonna be here any minute anyway. Maybe you can take Skye with you"

"I was thinking about doing that. We'll have the baby, it'll be fun"

Corin walked over to the stairs and yelled up for Skylar. After talking with her like his Skylar agreed to go. Two minutes later Skylar came bounding down the stairs wearing jeans, brown leather boots, and a black sweater with a white scarf. She had on a bit of makeup, she looked beautiful.

"Dang you could be wearing the same as your mother if you changed colors" teased Kelly.

"Very funny dad" sarcastically said Skylar.

"I'm just teasing. You two have fun. I'll see you in a couple hours" replied Skylar.

"Bye dad" smiled Skylar.

"Bye Skye. And bye babe" said Kelly now talking to Corin.

Corin kissed him one more time before grabbing her keys. She went to go open the door when it swung open. Gabby walked in holding a pan followed by Matt, Troy, Louie, and Alex. Corin and Skykar both said hi before heading out. First they headed to Regan and Justin's place to pick up the girls. Once they got there Corin went up and knocked on the door. Justin answered and greeted Corin.

"Hey Corin!"

"Justin! Nice to see you!"

"Yeah you too! I came to take your wife and daughter out before dinner"

"Well they should be right down. Regan was just changing her"

Just then Regan came walking down the stairs with a bundled up Dylan. Dylan was a cute little three month old that had Justin already wrapped around her finger. They placed the carseat in Corin's car then put Dylan in it. Corin shoved the stroller in the trunk. Regan said goodbye to just, then got into the car along with the others. That's when Corin headed to the mall.

"Hey Skye! I didn't know you'd be joining us!" greeted Regan.

"Since a got out of rehab two days ago mom decided we could finally have our girls day, now that she's back. Plus who could turn down time with my favorite Aunt Regan and cute little Dylan" flattered Skykar.

"I'm your only Aunt Regan, you dork. I love hanging out with you two. It reminds me of the days back when it was just me, your mom, and your Uncle Jay" smiled Regan.

"Oh I don't think she needs to hear about those days" jokingly interrupted Corin.

The car filled with the sound of laughter. Regan was riding passenger while Corin drove. Skylar was sitting in the backseat next to Dylan. Dylan had wrapped her tiny little fingers around one of Skye's fingers. Skylar loved babies and she couldn't get enough of his one. When Corin pulled up to the mall everyone climbed out of the car and they started to prepare the stroller.

Back at the Severide home, miles away, Gabby was cooking up a storm. Matt and Kelly were sitting at the island talking. Gabby looked irritated by the fact that they weren't helping.

"Male human beings! Maybe instead of watching football you can help me cook! Other wise there will not be enough food done by the time everyone gets here or not enough food in general. Please get up and help me before I slap you both in the head with a ladle," vented Gabby.

"Ok beautiful and humbling wife. Only because you asked so nicely" teased Matt as he stood up and wrapped his arms around Gabby.

"Please, Matt. I just need some help" relieved Gabby.

"Ok. I'll help baby. I'm just gonna go check on Louie and I'll be right back" stated Matt before he kissed Gabby in the cheek.

Matt headed upstairs as Kelly pushed himself off the couch. He made his way over to Gabby in the kitchen. He checked his phone to see that he had a few text messages from Corin. He opened them to see some funny pictures of all the girl in the mall. Kelly laughed to himself then set his phone back down. He stood next to Gabby and looked for direction.

"So what do you want me to do?" questioned Kelly.

"Can you peel and cut 20 potatoes for me?" asked Gabby.

"Of course" replied Kelly.

Kelly began to work as Matt came back downstairs. He gave Gabby the all clear then began to help her in the kitchen. They had the football game on so they can still hear it in the background. Gabby finally looked a little relaxed now that she had some help to prepare this Thanksgiving feast.

Over at the store, the girls were just wrapping up there. They had gone to so many stores and bought some good stuff. Skylar bought some stuff at Bath and Body Works to pamper herself. She had gone through a dark time and now she was slowly finding the light. Skye new it was gonna take time but before she could forgive anyone else, she had to forgive herself. So she decided to start by showing herself some love. Corin could see a change in Skye and it was making her so happy.

The girls held their bags as Regan pushed the stroller out the car. Once they loaded everything into the car, they got into it thereselves. Together they happily headed back to the Severide house for Thanksgiving dinner. By the time they finally got home people started showing up. Corin walked into the house holding handfuls of bags. Regan had the diaper bag swung over her shoulder while she had bags in her hands. Skylar walked in cradling little Dylan who was all bundled up to her chest. Behind her Justin walked in bringing in the baby carrier.

Everyone say around talking and celebrating until it was finally time for dinner. Gabby had every one gather around the table. Skylar was cradling little Dylan who was fast asleep. Everyone was silent as they decided who was going to say grace.

"I'll do it. I'll say grace," offered Skylar.

Everyone looked at her a little surprised. Kelly nodded and smiled as everybody held hands.

"Thank you for bringing us all here together. Thank you for keeping us all safe and well. Thank you for bringing my mom home safe and for making my better. But most of all, thank you for this little girl right here, Dylan Voight. I am blessed with the family I have have with 51 and 21. Amen"

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