Chapter 5: You Can't Die

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When Gabby came to, Louie was unharmed and hiding under her coat. Gabby looked around to see a beam laying across Kelly. Kelly was unconscious and the flames were getting closer. He slowly started to come to but was in so much pain.

"Ugh!" cried Kelly.


"Dawson! Go! Take the kid and go!"

"I'm not leaving you!"

"Go! I'll be fine!"

"Corin will never forgive me if you die"

Gabby ran out of the building with barley an oxygen in her tank. She placed her mask on Louie. As they walked out Matt came running towards them and got Louie to a gurney.

"Gabby! Are you okay!?"

She viciously coughed and shook her head yes. Then she pointed at the building.

"Severide!" she managed to cough out.

Matt slid on his mask at this and ran India with Hermann on his hip. They found Kelly and pulled the beam off of him.

"Let's go!" cried Matt.

They supported Kelly on either side. He stumbled out, and Sylvie came hustling over. They layed him on a gurney and wheeled him into the ambo. Louie went with them in the ambo. Sylvie sped out and headed for Chicago Med. Truck and Squad took care of the fire until firehouse 74 got there. Then Truck and Squad headed for Chicago Med.

Kelly was sitting in a smaller trauma/exam room when Corin came running in.


"I'm fine. Just a concussion"

"Don't do that again! You scared the crap out of me!"

Corin was laughing now but tears were still running down her face. Kelly sat in the bed shirtless with his bunker pants still on. He wrapped one arm around Corin's shoulder.

"Baby. I'm okay. I promise"

He pulled Corin to him and she layed on the bed next to them. She cried as she felt the warmth of Kelly's body near hers.

"I don't wanna loose you"

"Your not gonna loose me. You could never loose me"

Skylar was just getting home from the football game. She opened the car door and smilef at Owen.

"You wanna come in?"


He followed her into the house where Cass, Alex, and Kristen were. Owen and Skylar looked around to see her parents weren't home yet.

"That's weird" stated Skylar.

"What?" asked Owen as he sat down on the couch with a water.

"It's nearly 11 o'clock at night. They should have been home at 8"

"Maybe shifts ran long"

"Or something went wrong"

"Don't assume the worst Skye"

"Owen you know our family. Is there ever a reason not to?"

"Yeah you should probably call"

She dialed her dad's number as Owen clicked on the tv. She quick walked upstairs to see Alex playing video games, Cass watching tv, and Kristen fast asleep. Then she headed back down.



"Hey Skye"

"Have you been crying?"

"No I'm fine. What's up?"

"I just got home. Where are you guys?"

"Your dad got into a little accident at work. He's fine. We'll be home shortly"

"Ok. Is it okay if Owen stays for a little while before heading home"

"Yeah. Have fun"

"Ok mom. Bye"

"Bye sweetie"

Skye hung up and stared at her phone.


"I feel like something's wrong"

"But your mom said everything's fine?"


"Well then it probably is"

"You're right. Let's just wait"

They sat down and watched tv.

Corin stood in the waiting room, getting a coffee. Then she saw Regan was in the doorway with Dylan in her carrier.



"What are you doing here?!"

"I heard about Kelly. Justin is out at a work party or something. So Dylan and I figured we should check on you"

"We're gonna be leaving in the next half hour"

"That's great. Glad everything's okay. We'll have to celebrate, get some drinks tomorrow night?"

"Regan. Sit down, we gotta talk,"


Regan sat down in a chair, setting the carrier with Dylan in it at her feet. Corin sat down next to her and set her hand on Regan's arm.

"Regan. We can't go out tomorrow?"

"Why not? What's going on?"

"I'm leaving for a tour tomorrow morning. Extremely early, like at six o'clock"

"What?! Why?!"

"My friend and fellow marine was kidnapped. I'm the only one who is trained enough to get her back. I have to go"

"How dare you!"

"Regan, Look I-"

"No! Your leaving me after I just had a child! Your leaving you husband, kids, and your brother who was there for you through everything!"

Regan was yelling now.  People were turning their heads to get a glimpse an estranged Regan.

"Regan. I have to get her. Because if she dies, that's on me. And I can't have anymore deaths on my shoulders. You of all people should know what that's like,"

Regan had a half mad, half sympathetic look across her face. She grasped Corin's hand and looked at her, straight in the eye.

"You aren't allowed to die. You aren't allowed to get yourself killed. Because your one life, will effect so many people's. It will ruin your brother's families, my family, your own family, and Kelly. Kelly would never recover of he lost you, it would ruin everything. So your not allowed to die. Got it?"

"I'm not gonna die. I'm gonna come back to my family and everyone I love here. No one is going to be dying"

"Good. Otherwise I'll have to kill you"

A small smile appeared in both of there faces at Regan's remark. They hugged as both of them stood up.

"I'm gonna take this little angel home then. But I wanna say goodbye tomorrow morning, along with everyone else,"

"Oh trust me. I'm gonna have the biggest crowd there. All of 51, all of 21, quite a few from Med, and the kids. But it's still gonna be harder then ever"

"Yeah. Just like highschool when I left Jay. It's always hard"

They locked eyes for a moment and the Regan turned to leave. As she walked out of the hospital, Corin walked back to Kelly's room. She had more thoughts then ever running through her cluttered mind.

#3 Young and Reckless in Chicago Where stories live. Discover now